This is a fantastic write up of the shitshow, exactly how it should be laid out and story told. Well done!'s the same theme through out:
1. Homero went so far as to negotiate a house Purchase Agreement signed by the seller, dragged them through all his idiocy to that point and at the 11th hour bailed, believe he switched it to rent to own which was rejected.
2. same deal with bitmain, drag it out all the way to sending money and reversing just to get a statement from them
3. did the same with the bitcoinnews whatever purchase, dragged it to the point of the seller signing the LOI and in the middle of it, Homero asks can he publish an announcement.
4. same again with gocoin, yet another half baked negotiation in order for them to announce his deal before it comes to fruition.
Same common theme in specific aspects, zoom out, it is the same as the whole con. Drag everyone into his web with best deals, best customer service, nice guy, never go back on what I promised even if i lose money. Shallow presentation of bona fides, then hit them once they are comfortable. Same scheme as your buddy who purposely borrows money and pays it back on time each time, and then after a certain amount of time he starts dragging his feet. He was prepping Stuart for this, borrowed, paid back, borrowed, paid back, and then slowly as the amounts increased, starts dragging his feet....Its ingrained in these con artists brains. Happens all the time everywhere.
And to top it all off, there is a short blurb emailor S MS between Stuart and Homero where Stuart says the battery replacement light is on all the time. Does it mean it needs new batteries. Can As I told you on the phone, it's the same few dozen people doing this over and over again. Additionally, we confirmed a while back that the majority have been hired by competitors. That's that happens in this industry when you take customers from other companies.
Honestly, I am just as surprised by this email. The same way you mention proof, every troll that makes these allegations has none. It's the same story over and over.
"I think gaw is doing bad things" "what's your proof" "well there is none, I just think that are"
To add to that, we recently broke 200k customers. If 1% of our customers did not like us, it would be 4 times the amount of complainers we have. These guys are just imagine the cost of that. Essentially the engine of the whole thing.
And further him and his wife dicker over replacing the front wheel of the Tesla that Homero managed to fuck up and bend the axle. Change the whole wheel, or balance it so that it doesn't shimmer, all of 450 dollars for a new wheel.
In other words he gave Stuart his dead battery bent axle broken wheeled Tesla 'Elon" gave to him as a gift.
Where's that friend of his that posed here? What is the story with Homero's family? 5 brothers with brown hair and brown eyes, him with blond hair and blue eyes like his mother?
Care to explain what exactly is the story with this odd-ball? And who or where or what is is real father?
Garza math says that 2,000 ÷ 4 = 36.
As I told you on the phone, it's the same few dozen people doing this over and over again. (...) To add to that, we recently broke 200k customers. If 1% of our customers did not like us, it would be 4 times the amount of complainers we have. These guys are just loud.