First, prove to me that GAW owns Paycoin. Tell me how much, and where it is stored and why you believe it belongs to them, and then explain why taking property from a corporation is different than taking it from an individual. Secondly, explain why you think it is ok to take property away from either GAW or Josh Garza. What is the EXACT criteria by which you conclude that it is fair, just and legal, to take property from someone else. You either respect property rights or you don't.
I don't think anyone is proposing taking property away from anyone. What is being proposed is a fork of the coin which is identical other than that certain coins don't exist in the fork; the current coin (XPY) continues to exist, and a new coin (XPY2) is created which is functionally identical, only without the GAW coins. Is that theft? I don't see how.
As an existing holder of N XPY, I would also have N XPY2 (unless presumably I was GAW). I could choose to trade my XPY2 for "real" XPY, or vice versa, depending on which of the two I wanted to hold. They would both be listed on exchanges, and their prices would move independently of each other.
If there's general agreement that the fork is a good idea people would sell their XPY, pushing the price towards 0, while buying more XPY2, increasing the price. GAW still have their millions of XPY, nothing has been stolen, but the free market has set a more appropriate price for their out-of-thin-air gains and decided that they value a coin without the pre-mine (or whatever it is - I've not been paying attention) more highly.
XPY2 would cut at least 50% of the coin and all hyperinflation.
EDIT: Cut all prime controllers and their coins + any remaining premine which is not in the hands of customers.
I am inclined to agree that with some modifications to this approach, XPY has a greater chance of survival upon successful implementation.
LMFAO look what the cat dragged in
Eric I have respect for after reading some of the emails as it seems like he has some conscience.
Jonah was a trusted member of the community way before Gaw.
YOU? I would trust you as much as I would trust Josh, Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out!
Hope you get the jail time you deserve.
I pushed a lot of buttons and levers. I also take responsibility for my actions. I will continue truthfully answering questions asked by 3 letter agencies even if it means an undesirable outcome for myself. I enjoy working in this industry and I stay closely in touch with Eric and Jonah. Like Eric, when I became very uncomfortable working in the environment, I stepped down from my role.
I can take a forum beating and completely understand the justification to do so.
I may have not stepped down from my role quick enough in order to properly display my character and integrity as a business leader, and that is something I regret. Hopefully time will heal and mend some of the professional and personal relationships I have built over the last few years. I'm also willing to help out where I can and be more available to do so.
For anyone who cares about my opinion on the matter.... ^ This is all true
A few days after I resigned, I drove from CT to MS on my way home to TX. I stopped in Hattiesburg and had a long face-to-face talk with Joe. It was then that I shared the hard truths I had learned in CT, some of which he had familiarity with, some of which was definitely news to him. I also know that he began his exit very soon after that talk, just not as quickly as I had dropped everything in CT and left.
For anyone that cares what I think, I've gotten to know Joe really well over the past 10 months and I have nothing but respect for him. He's of sound character, but shares a common weakness with the rest of us that "fell for it" and did this guy's dirty work. We had a passion for crypto-currency and 'building cool shit' (
not saying that any of the final products ended up being 'cool shit' at all). Our biggest fault was trusting a manipulative and deceitful person that conned us into thinking he shared the same values. In the end we learned that there were very different motivations at the top of the food chain, we were just too focused on our individual jobs to realize the bigger picture. I also know that Joe has mirrored my efforts in the past few months to help "shine some light" on the operation, and yes I am being intentionally vague due to the ongoing "situation."
I have nothing really to gain by stepping in and speaking on Joe's character, I'm just sharing my 648 XPY (or however many equals two cents). FWIW, Joe and I (as well as several others) are still working with the appropriate 'parties' to bring all of this to an end.
Regardless, I respect everyone's right to their own opinion. It's criticism and free speech that keeps the world honest.