Actions speak louder than words. Publicly state that PayCoin is a pre-mined scam coin and the whole enterprise, and anyone involved with its development, promotion, or sale is a scammer.
I do not, nor have I ever, owned a single Paycoin.
I was never issued any by the company, nor have I ever purchased one from the company nor any person or exchange.
The only time I've ever interacted with Paycoin was building the company wallets and initial prime controller daemons.
TL;DR, I have no coins to destroy, kind sir.
In my opinion Eric has proven (and has been proven through documents I've read) he was one of the clean ones involved in the company and got out when he realized the big picture. Joe on the other hand sits on the council of Primes. Off the top of my head he owns 5 PC's and is leasing some out to XPYtrust.
I will say this once again. I do not own anything (Paycoin or Prime Controllers). Hopefully this is clear. I never owned a Prime Controller. I never owned a single Paycoin (or a fraction of it). I was part of the team that worked on the Paycoin project. I was promised Paycoin among other things but never received any compensation/assets besides my salary while working at GAW (which I assume you have all seen by now).
I am a volunteer on the XPYTrust board which manages 5 Prime Controllers. I am in the process of putting together a bold approach to burn many of the Controller Coins and stake. When this proposal is finished I will present to Paycoin Foundation and XPY Dev for review. The plan consists of some of the items discussed a couple of pages back in this thread referring to a 50% cut of the coin and hyperinflation.
I believe this to be the only approach (if executed correctly) to give Paycoin a chance at survival. I will be offering up my position as a volunteer on the XPYTrust board if this approach (or something similar) fails to be successful and/or gets complete.
XPY has taking a beating (for obvious reasons) and may not be able to stand for much more without such drastic change to the current design.
Um Joe, we have all the emails where you blackmailed Josh Garza and then he came up with the offer of a prime controller(s) to pay you off. How do you reconcile this with your bullshit story?
This guy was dealing with someone who is a sociopath. I don't blame him for his efforts to get paid what he is owed.