i had the miner working and it was never at the hash rate of 15gh/s always below and very sparatic like 40mh/s to 3-9gh/s only hit 9 gh/s a few times. my computer had done an update over night while it was mining... well long story short it quit working... did i do some thing on my end? is my hub not strong enough or maybe its over powered? now cgminer displays gsd 0: found 7:3
gsd 0: tx:4 00 00 11
gsd 0: rx bytes(0):
device serial gs- 10016325 not responding
any helpful tips or did i break it lol
Oh just for the record.... on slushpool mining with the single 2pac i found 161k shares... have not seen anyone above or near that... what you think? lol
windows 7 ck built cgminer
no idea how to write code
Try stopping cgminer, unplug/plug the 2pac, then start cgminer again.
161k shares is no big deal. Shares are not blocks. My Compaq (single BM1384) has over 1 million shares right now since the last reboot. It also has just north of 8.8 million shares at pool.ckpool.org. See the link in my sig.