It would be really bad if it couldn't do that
When you tell cgminer you want all the extra information it can throw at you, by telling it '--verbose', one of the output lines is to tell you what it does with each nonce the chip returns to cgminer.
At 260GH/s you generate around 60.5 nonces of 1 difficulty, per second.
My pool doesn't want you sending that much crap to it
Nor do you want to increase your network flow by 202 times
My pool will set a work difficulty so that you are sending shares at around 18 per minute.
Thus cgminer must work out what difficulty each nonce is and if it should send it.
In verbose more it tells you for, on average, 201 of those 202 that their difficulty is too low.
[2021-10-29 09:28:27.862] Accepted 4b97ce57 Diff 867/788 GSF 0
This means the pool is asking me for shares of 788 diff or higher (one GSF + one GSI)
Another way to look at this is that it means, on average, one in 788 nonces returned at 1 difficulty will be 788 difficulty.
However the driver I wrote will have already set the chip ticket mask (difficulty) to 16 at this stage, so only 16th of the nonces are returned by the chip over USB to cgminer.
Thus you'd see 16th of the messages in verbose mode.