Current User Number is at 300, currently we are growing at about 500% per week
Regarding my own properties I paid €10 to Geopieces in order to acquire them. There are no internal benefits for the startups employees.
(you also cannot transfer properties to a single user via multiple registrations as minimum prices can´t be set to numbers lower than the starting capital)
We are also watching out for further mass registrations and have intervened in 2 cases currently.
Ask away! ( will be checking in a few times today)
First, thanks for your kind and civil reply.
As you're well aware, there is no proof that you actually paid out €10 to acquire said properties, but we can take you at your word. But, don't you see how such an action looks in the eyes of those you're trying to recruit, especially when you added the following as an in-your-face type comment?
I own all of the prime property Send me a message if you are interested in my real estate #seller
The smart thing to do was to not purchase any property, for your future profits will rely upon your integrity, among other things, once your project goes mainstream. The other course of action was to wait till a few others signed up, whereupon you would then have jumped in using some pseudonym that nobody would be able to connect to you or any other proprietors of Geopieces. Case in point, such accounts could possibly exist, and we wouldn't be the wiser, of which would be fine for a many endeavors practice such practice. The grave mistake you made was using a pseudonym directly related to you as a/the owner, a mistake that's easily reversible.
Again, I insist for the integrity of your enterprise to abandon your claims to the properties you hold under tonberry oppose to coming here and defending your actions, for that will only dig a hole for yourself that you'll find will become impossible to crawl out of. This is not meant as a threat of any kind. Simply a reality.
That said, once again I must state that I do love your site and wish you the best, and this post is in no way trying to stick it up your ass.
Peace, bro.
~Bruno K~
I can dig up the transaction proof but it will take some time as I have to ask the CTO for access.
I would also be happy to sell you specific pieces for the base system price if you are interested. (or any other user here)
I don't believe you quite get it yet. There's no reason to offer up proof that you did purchase the grids. We can all agree that that's a fact and can easily take your word for it.
The sad part is that you're not getting it, and it's important for you to not own the said properties. Even sadder, you failed to address that important issue in your post, reverting to only wanting to prove that the purchases were legit, of which is not in contention, coupled with sharing with us that we're all able to purchase grids.
To drive the point home one more time, I'll use a real estate analogy.
Suppose you developed a subdivision surrounding a lake consisting of 100's of lots, some better than others. Further suppose that since you are the developer you took possession of the premiums lots, in this case they would be the lakefront properties. So far, no problem.
But this is where a problem would arise. You advertised your lots promising that the first come will have the first opportunity to obtain their lot (to build their dream home) at a comfortable price point. You led your potential clients into believing that all the lots are available, but they soon learn that all the premium lots have already been purchased. Then they find out that the developer is the one who owns the lots and is offering them at an inflated price point, which is a common practice but, once again, they were led to believe that you were different, and that everybody had a fair shot for the lots.
So, instead of selling all the lots at a decent price point, you created discontent with all the prospected buyers, leaving you stuck with all the property and a check mark next to your previous good name.
Do you now see how this would not bode well?
Taking the analogy one step further, prior to you getting into this predicament, an individual brings your error to your attention, giving you an option to turn the misstep around, thus saving face and becoming a successful developer. But, what you opted to do was to state to the whole world to read is that you have purchased those prime lakefront properties with your own money and will offer up proof to anybody who cares to see it. Again, there's no need to show proof to all the prospected buyers who've conceded that you truly do own the properties in questions, but are taken aback as to how the development was presented, having them think among themselves that if this is how the developer handled this aspect, what else is he doing that we're not aware of and would later regret, for he had an out but refused to act upon it?
Does that clarify what dangerous grounds your treading?
Now, back to where I stand. Here I am, truly loving your site and feel good about those who are behind it, but at the same token confused as to why a corrective course is not taken. It's not that I want the properties, for I don't, but they have been taken from those who may want them (for whatever reason), but only now are able to acquire them if they pay you what you're currently demanding.
Sure you see that you could be sitting on millions of dollars with your creation and none of the proprietors would need to own a single grid. Would you throw all that away for a potential $10K USD max? I don't think so.
I'm willing to stand behind you and your endeavor, but not at the expense of accepting you maintaining those ten properties.
One more thing, my course of action, to date, has nothing to do with your decision to delete a half dozen of my accounts, for I respect your decision for doing such and that it was called for. In fact, you did it very professionally, and I truly respect you for that.
I also have no problem with only maintaining one or two ligament accounts, paying the fair asking price of one euro each so that I can enjoy the potential benefits of owning several more lots.
Please accepting this post in the spirit as it was penned, for I did such without any anger in my heart nor wish you hardship. I'll only pursue that latter aspect if I feel call to action is warranted.
Peace, bro.
~Bruno K~