It's a very objective interpretation. The fact that we cannot agree on the constitution means this country is doomed. We will collapse like every other nation that has no principles. Regulating and admonishing life by mere and ever-changing whims is not my idea of liberty especially when a vote can be bought for no cost at all.
Once a right is taken it will not be easily reinstated. Gradually the smallest government will become the largest if there are no limits. A totalitarian regime is inevitable and is already here in our case.
No, when I own my own life and everything it produces will I consider myself truly free. Rights are not provisioned. They are inherent. I either own myself or not at all. There is no compromise.
Everyone thinks their own interpretation of their constitution is objective.
You really have no idea what a totalitarian regime would be like if you think the US is one.
Rights are legal constructs. To say they are inherent means that they are written in the stars or something and that everyone agrees what they are and what they mean. If you believe that, you have to provide an explanation why the majority of Americans don't agree with you. Are they blind?
I don't have to provide an explanation. I believe I am entitled to my life and everything I produce. What makes their claim to my life greater? To hell with that.
Tell me why you have the right to regulate and admonish my life? The burden is on you. I laid claim to this body and my breath when I emerged from the womb. It was by my own will I chose to consume food, drink and walk. If I cannot own it, I will rather die before you take one cent from me!
I am in control of this life! I can end it if I so chose! The claim is entirely mine! Not yours, not the poors, not god's nor societies! Mine and only mine!
If you think you are so entitled to me, then you should be able to abuse me to your whim when my body is lying on the ground without a deliberate movement!
In the end, I am in control! This is my life!