John McAfee will start his own PoS privacy Coin. I'm glad that the Whitpaper isn`t a FotoStory of John eating his johnson.
Her are some Information from the Whitpaper and Litepaper:
Masternode: 20`000
Total Supply: 55,000,000
At May 25, 2020: 13,573,415 GHOST (InitialSupply)
By June 2022: 15,087,292 GHOST
By June 2040: 30,226,069 GHOST
The remaining supply of GHOST coins will be allocated towards masternodes, proof of stake rewards, and future development over time.
Block size: 2 MB
Block Time: 60 Seconds (Re-targeting every block)
Coin Emission Rate: Max. 6 GHOST per block (Always less due to burnt fees & unused treasury). 3 GHOST are allocated as staking/masternode rewards, 2 GHOST are split between stakers, 1 into a pool for future development.
Coin Supply Control: ALL transaction & zGHOST minting fees are burnt from coin supply.
PoS Stake Eligibility
Minimum Input Age: 60 blocks
Reward Maturity Confirms: 101 confirms
Wallet Status: Requires wallet to be kept running & online.
Transaction Send Eligibility
Minimum Confirm: 6 confirms
SwiftX Eligibility
1 confirm for locking and 6 confirm to spend. Collateral held for 15 blocks.
Privacy Technology: Custom zk-SNARKs ZcashSapling
Key Features: Custom accumulator check-pointing system Accumulator Modulus: RSA-2048
zGHOST Denominators: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000 Mint time: >= 0.5 seconds
Spend time: >= 2.5 seconds
Maximum single Spend limit: 35,000 GHOST
Maximum single Spend denomination count limit: 7 Fees (mint): 0.01 GHOST per minted zGHOST denomination. Fees (spend): No fee to spend zGHOST back to GHOST.
GHOST is a decentralized Proof-Of-Stake (PoS) network controlled by GHOST coin holders and masternode operators. GHOST has no central company or owner. The direction of the coin, development, and strategic decisions are voted on by masternode operators.
25% (13,750,000 GHOST) of the GHOST supply will be distributed to ESH token holders upon launch on May 25th. The exact amount that will be awarded to each token holder will be a percentage of their ESH holdings against the total ESH supply.
GHOST coins will automatically be sent to the wallet addresses that are holding ESH tokens on May 25th. A global “snapshot”, a total count of all the wallets holding ESH will be taken before GHOST launch. It is highly recommended, a requirement to an extent, that your ESH tokens are held, and stored in a wallet fully under your control. If your ESH tokens are in an exchangeit’shighlylikelythatyouwilln otreceiveGHOST.
At the moment the highest ESH Token trade volume is on Idex: Website with the Whitpaper and Litepaper: https://www.ghostbymcafee.comI'm thinking that McAffe will pump the shit out of his coin. Before the Whitepaper was issued, there were many meme about Ghost on 4chan and McAfee hasn't begun to shilling his coin at that time. The tech behind this coin isn't the big thing, it`s about the Name McAfee and McAfee`s Shilling ability. McAfee has street cred when it comes to privacy - and that is imported for a privacy coin. So this coin could go to the moon.