Dividend/unit paid: 0.0000882BTC/unit
Total dividend paid: 0.6432426BTC (0.3015558 to remaining BDK-holders, 0.3416868BTC to those who have transferred)
Running total dividends paid in September: 0.6432426BTC
(BDK units outstanding = 7293 [8378-300-785])
For those wanting BTC, this is straight-forward, and I'll run through and apply the balance changes in the next post. For those wanting BDK.BND, this is more tricky -- basically, as I see it, since I claim BDK.BND is ~7.3% less valuable than BTC, those requesting BDK.BND should receive 107.3% of dividends, or 0.0000946386BTC/unit worth of BDK.BND. (Ugh, 6am math - what the Hell am I doing?)
So... say you're the fellow with 2036 BDK looking for BDK.BND. Each unit of BDK is worth .135 when converted to BDK.BND, right? Well, with dividends, now it's effectively worth 0.1350946386BTC/unit. Instead of receiving 2749 units of BDK.BND, he should now receive (1.350946386*2036) = 2751 units of BDK.BND.
God, that was terrible. This is a trivial waste of time. Alright -- next week, when the exchanges to BDK.BND have been complete, I'll throw in a few extra BTC of dividends and that should more-or-less cover the insignificant dividend y'all missed this week. For those who wanted BTC, the revised amounts are:
500 BDK -> 62.5441BTC (BDK has been transferred in)
150 BDK -> 18.76323BTC (BDK has been transferred in)
Why don't you just send BTC for the dividends after (or before) you send the bonds?
Also, will we receive the BDK.BND interest paid today when you clear the transfers?
The 3BTC on top of normal BDK.BND dividends on September 10th should come pretty close to covering what's owed due to this problem on top of being a bonus to current BDK.BND holders. It'd be more than enough if I gave only the "true" amount of BDK dividends to, but probably a bit less than if I gave both BDK dividends and BDK.BND dividends.
Exchanges will execute in ~1 hour. I expect it to take me 1-3 hours to process everyone. If there's anyone in this thread who either did not give me instructions or hasn't sent me the BDK units (and want to), please do so now. Failing to do so by the time I finish processing orders tonight forfeits this current voluntary offer and will keep you locked into the BDK contract (which, incidentally, changes today, I believe), including the negative equity provision which is likely to be exercised within a couple months.