Right now we talk to about 4,000 people twice a week about the ideas, projects, and people powering Bitcoin and are growing at a very fast rate. If you're a miner who wants to profit by mining these coins, it's in your best interest to try and convince me not to shine a spotlight on your altcoin and tell everyone all the reasons I think it doesn't make any sense as anything other than a scam.
Your choice, I wanted to give the opportunity to respond. If nobody wants to talk, we'll be pushing up the release date of this story to next week since I won't need to schedule interviews.
GLDcoin sure do a piece. Its hard to make this coin look good TBH.
Some other coins actually have promise. WDC and DGC have a little due to their rapid confirmations but are very vulnerable to attacks. Personally I like bitgem. It has the niche of being very rare. Blocks are .3 btg now and were 3 from the start. Combine that with diff adjustment every block and ppc's 520 confirmations and you have yourself a nice little package. Nothing new of course but a few good features of coins all rolled into a nice little bundle. Secure, Rare, was not instamined to death 15,000 btg in circulation now.
If you do a piece on any others coins let me know I would be happy to defend it if I believe I have valid points. I just dont see a way of doing that with gld. Its just a market coin. When diff soars and blockchain stalls it will be dead. May be a fun ride till then but it will happen
I will agree with mullick here, GLDcoin is hard to defend but other alt-coins are better suited for the spot light, DGC and WDC as mullick mentioned with their fast confirmation times.
My Personal preference is litecoin, being one of the first accepted alt-coins and also bringing new things to the table, slightly faster confirmation times and being ASIC hostile with scrypt helping with decenteralization. All alts as i said help us learn new things about the bitcoin protocol.
Once again china coin is similar to GLDcoin and hard to really bring a good light to it, released on another forum possible pre-mined though i personally haven't read any posts relating to this(haven't searched either as it wasn't around for long enough
Top 3 alts, ya hard one to decide on that
Nibble is the only non-pre-mined, non-insta-mined coin - period. No other coin used our difficulty/reward ramp up save for DGC - and DGC came after Nibble. All other coins were insta-mined to death within hours.
Nibble has only 21,000,000 coins (1/4 of Litecoin, 1/13 of WDC). It has faster transactions than Bitcoin. Sub 1 minute transactions don't really improve anything - confirmations are only needed with Bitcoin for large purchases. Really large purchases are usually never paid for via credit card - rather check, wire etc, and Bitcoin beats all of those methods.
Nibble is the ONLY verified non-scam coin out there released in the last year - end of story. If fairness, pre-mining etc were so important where are our backers? Our miners? Its more profitable than likecoin if you go by recent trades on the boards.
I could have made sub 1 minute blocks - but those coins are easily pwned via many attacks taking advantage of their "speed"
GLDCoin is no more shady than WDC, or Novacoin, or Bitbar, or Litecoin. And I think GLDCoin will come around once these guys truly promote their coin. I hope hey all become rich. So before you point the finger, look at the coin your backing.