i guarantee you someone other than just Ben knew ahead of time what the decision was going to be. which is precisely why the gold market popped a full 3 min before the announcement.
if there was ever a time and need for a "fair" money...
When were the meeting notes released to the public exactly?
this is what you are looking for. times are PST:
No, I want to know when a website first made the meeting notes available to the public.
Pretty sure website makers knew after just about everyone else.
How are the meeting notes distributed to the public? I assumed some .gov site would just host them.
Sure the news sites and blogs write up a story after the minutes are released... but I want to know the first moment a trading bot could have gotten the minutes from a public source.
Pretty basic stuff, I was going to lmgtfy, but I'll be nice and give you a direct link:
When the Fed announces a 2pm release, they don't publicly release early.
I assume this to be true, yet I still have not found actual data to support it. A time stamp would be great.
A timestamp is worthless. It only records the system time, which can be off by several minutes either intentionally or unintentionally. I don't think you need to be looking for an early public release when there were dozens of people who knew early that are highly connected to both Washington and Wall Street.