Thank you BitcoinAshley, my goal is to get to the point, like you and cypher, where I can impart these things to others that don't know
I guess the better question is, how can I decipher the BS on zerohedge and the many true things they tout hahaha. My only concern is that they know that the doomsday-insider persona they put out gets readership and considering their audience, that they too can be easily manipulated for some ulterior motive.
Yes, they tend to exaggerate a lot. And remember, their goal is to make you think the financial apocalypse is right around the corner so you keep reading. IMO, they are correct about what's going to happen, but they have no idea WHEN it's going to happen, so in the meantime they are just exaggerating.
The bit about physical demand is interesting. ZeroHedge, Max Keiser, and every website/blog like it are screaming about chinese housewives loading up on gold, traffic jams on the streets in front of coin dealers in Asia, dealers out of stock and unable to find anything, etc, etc.
Here's what I've noticed: My dealer went from having most of its coins available for same-week shipping about a month or so ago, to now having 90% of its coins with a 14-21 day delay time. Similar dealers have same issue. However, there are still places you can get metals, there are even still coins at my dealer that will be shipped same week, and I doubt there's traffic jams in front of coin shops in India. It's just that prices are getting to the point where miners and wholesalers are really feeling the squeeze. They're taking a gamble - sell now and risk the market returning to where it was a month ago, or hold a lot of their inventory only to have prices fall further.
I think the effect on the market of the naked paper shorts is not to be underestimated and that is why I personally hold PMs. I don't think, as many "BTC bugs" do, that we are going to instantly transition to a world where BTC is used for every single transaction, fiat completely disappears, and PMs instantly drop in value.
Oakpacific, I've heard the "guns and ammo are the only thing that will be important in that SHTF scenario" argument many times and I don't believe it one bit. Sure, there are situations like all-out wars and massive civil unrest where you won't even have a chance to make a transaction. But that is not the only possible iteration of such a scenario, and I'd rather have a chance to buy something off my neighbour than shoot him for it and steal it, does that make sense? In the same way that we tell even the most butthurt bears to keep just one bitcoin in cold storage "Just in case," I think even the most anti-PM "BTC bugs" should keep at least a little physical around in case it's the best way to buy a train ticket to "get out of dodge" during the economopocalypse or whatever it is the blogsters are preaching these days. And in that "manufactured single-iteration of SHTF scenario where only guns and ammo matter," how are you going to buy more ammo from the redneck in the trailer park after you run out from defending your family against the an-cap looter gang? Oh right, shoulda brought some gold
Even that scenario used as an argument in the "that will never happen" category ends up defeating itself.
I should mention that I was comparing the fungibility of silver to gold, not to other currencies. I think it's safe to assume that most people realize PMs aren't too gifted in the fungibility department when compared to other currencies.
I guess the biggest thing is that, gold and silver aren't what they used to be. Gold's utility has definitely decreased after the decoupling of gold-pegged fiat, but even more so compared to before we had fiat at all. Back then, it was common would trade a grain or three of gold for a cow or whatever. Who does that now? It truly does look like Bitcoin and gold are reversing.
Yes, there is no doubt in my mind that if we see any massive shift in the dominant world currencies, PMs will take a backseat to cryptocurrencies. In fact it is more likely they'll be stuffed into the trunk or the roof rack. I've no problem with that. So long as fiat gets run over, hit reverse, run over again, etc, then dragged from the back bumper by a chain on the pavement for 5 miles and thrown into an abandoned coal mine - I'll be a rich motherfucker and the world will be a better place