How can anybody argue gold is not in a bubble with its parabolic graph?
Do you all really think this parabolic move is purely inflation, not appreciation?
I suspect that we'll look back on things to this point and see that the bubble was starting to be able to be classified as one somewhere in this neighborhood.
I think that what we have is the gold starting from an abnormally depressed state. I think it's starting to dawn on people that the ZIRP policies and general rigged nature of most of the other markets nullify the traditional arguments about gold being a liability in terms of wealth preservation.
One reason I don't think we've reached the point where the bubble pops (if history even shows that we are in one yet) is that it's still kind of a weirdo who has his dick-skinners on the phyzzz (though not nearly so much as one who holds BTC...)
I do expect that we'll have a bubble in Au at some point, and I'll try to sell every ounce when I believe it's going to pop. (OK, I'll probably hold onto a few since they make good gifts.)
This is without delving into my experience that everyone is sucking up the story of "paper is worthless, keep stacking for the inevitable collapse", producing armies of bagholders. Everyone is telling me how gold is the best and safest investment ever, I see lots of ads, etc.
The targeting for what mainstream stuff I see seems to be at imbeciles who can (and sometimes do) pay double the spot price, or those who will buy ETFs. Even some of the Glenn Beck watching mouth-breathers are probably starting to break even by this time so sometimes the money a fool parted with comes back to smack him I guess.
My view is that the western world will never again revert to a gold or gold backed currency, therefore I view it as unlikely that the fantasy that everybody will come flocking to gold will come true.
Fine by me. Gold would have to more than half before it fails to do what I ask which is to preserve my purchasing power. But I'm lucky...or something...
Even in a total collapse, I would rather have food and water instead of gold.
I figure I can get both rather easily if I have some gold, and getting there packing the gold would be a lot more feasible than packing food and water. But hopefully we won't find out.
I think that you'll not find many people who will suggest being 'all in' PM's here. This is a Bitcoin forum after all. I'm very interested in anything with no counter-party risk, and Bitcoin fits this bill well in addition to it's other fascinating and powerful properties. In my mind and in my portfolio, however, gold and property are very much my 'investment grade' assets while Bitcoin is very much on the speculative end of the spectrum.
Unlike a lot of people, it seems, I have some serious technical concerns about Bitcoin's implementation. On the other hand, I put a lot more value on simply having private keys controlling representation in the block chain so it's a wash I guess. Again, however, I have to view BTC as highly speculative.