USD shoots up to $81.35. what happened to $80?
shooting even more.
Do we really have to do this
again, only one day since it was put in perspective?
Disregarding the values and basing analysis purely on the chart lines, a myopic view would consider whatever is being represented to be "shooting" upward.
Let's be generous: 81.3 / 80.5 = 1.0099 which is still less than 1%!
Moving on...
It sure is good to get an idea of what we're dealing with: nothing special. Fundamentally, there is still no underlying strength. This is all relative to other competitors in an overarching systemic failure,
not anything of value. We don't have autonomous robots capable of performing all human labor in order to prop up GDP - yet. Instead, developed nations' GDP is now mostly based on
Destruction has been redefined as
That's f@#8ing insanity!What is happening now is a
controlled ascent in the USD due to continuous management of the high-automated "trading" currently taking place in what passes for markets today. If it were deemed necessary to make wheat worthless in dollar or Euro terms, it would be worthless in dollar or Euro terms - not because of any connection whatsoever to actual value or supply & demand, but because of the algorithmically-obedient drone mentality of current monolithic "market" participants.
Exactly the same thing occurred with equity markets over the past year, and we're now seeing the results of that value-less launch. Without any credibility to support extreme valuations, stocks are crumbling all around as the brainless trading systems follow their patterns without any notion of
actual value. They buy and sell anything and everything when squiggly lines tell them to do so.
If I wet my finger and run it along the rim of a crystal champagne flute, it will
hum. If I push price low enough to make a 50-DMA turn negative, algos will sell.
The real warning for investors/traders today should be: bank/government "markets" are for entertainment purposes only.