FYI, Nick Szabo retweeted (and added to his favorites):
"@oleganza: If Bitcoin was ever competing with Paypal or Visa, it would not even start. It competes with gold and central banks."
Thus Saith The LORD. Amen!
of course not. as long as you continue to constrain it to 1MB.
Cypherdoc is correct.
Nick Szabo and Oleg Andreev are both wrong.
[further deranged babbling]
The point Szabo retweeted (and favorited) is that it's not possible for Bitcoin's volumes to approach Visa-scale just by using gigantic blocks.
no, no, we learned from the great programmer, TPTB, that he means the program will not run
We simply can't get there from here. Simply super-sizing blocks is not true scaling. We need side/tree/Lightening/alt chains to even plan the start of the long journey towards coming close to approaching in theory the subject of scaling to Visa+Paypal+gold+TBTF zombie bank levels.
Diverse/diffuse/defensible/resilient blockchains are not a substitute for specialized/proprietary/centralized/optimized real-time Visa-type retail POS systems or consumer friendly Paypal-style payment systems.
what matter for digital gold is that it's supply remains fixed but gets secured by widespread adoption across the planet. everybody needs to use it to protect against gvts trying to stomp it out
The Genesis Block mentions bailouts for TBTF banks. It does not mention Visa or Paypal.
"banks" were used as a broad term to encompass Visa/Paypal
Szabo conceived of Bitcoin and Monero in the early 90s, so I think he knows what he's talking about in matters of e-cash.
not really. he created a piece that Satoshi joined with other pieces to form Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is revolution, not yet another trendy new payment rail for impressing your yuppie friends at the hipster micro-roastery.
it is a revolution. but it needs to be widely adopted.