The Science Is Settled!!!
Is Economics a science now?
The results just seem to be for sale to the highest bidders.
The international
war on cash is accelerating.
What's next?...fine art, rare goods, will only exist in registries with a bank?
After cash is banned, it's likely gold will be next. They tried it once before and this time they will succeed. While nations are trying to repatriate their gold and Wall Street issues paper gold, physical gold itself will be under attack.
Well, I think their goal is not just to make life miserable, but to actually end it. It is illogical (to me, I am open to ideas!) that the Matrix-type total slavery as just the provider of energy without free will, movement etc would be the final goal.
- They don't need it. Robotics can provide all the stuff that is needed, at max the "needed" amount of human servants could be a few times the population of the masters.
- If possible, to avoid retaliation, as much people as possible should be killed at once, once the killing begins. They can always be let multiply afterwards when control is easier.
- It has never happened in history that a country build concentration camps and they will
not soon be filled with dissidents. (Or think of prisons if camp feels too bad.) Never. They have always been "correct" in estimating the "need"
This is a dire warning to the thinking people in the USA. According to historical evidence, you are targeted for extermination. Reversing the course of the tide is wishwork, battling against it may in some cases be heroic, but escaping it is not very stupid either.
To not sound repetitive, I repeat:
The implicit goal in the actions that the money masters are doing, is total control and enslavement of mankind. It is already much further than most readers are able to understand.
If that wasn't enough, they also have the explicit goal of killing off at least 90% of all people. While they have had the goal for decades at least, the reality has gone to the opposite direction. It is quite plausible that since reaching the total control of mankind enables killing off 90%, and both are the goals, one would follow the other.
People are deficient in logic since they cannot comprehend this, drugged in the mind since they don't care about this, and hopelessly conditioned to lick their money masters' a$$ since they believe that this would not happen even though their masters say it will, and the people themselves are assisting it by staying in their jobs, in their tyrannical countries, not speaking out, not helping their neighbor when he is targeted, ...
The only thing required for evil to triumph is that the good men do nothing.
I am disappointed that the prosperity of the 1960s in the USA created a generation that has allowed all their liberties taken away from them in 50 years, and soon their life as well.
One of the saddest things i ever saw was Detroit after the auto industry debacle...they outsourced the jobs and killed the middle class with one click of the mouse imho!The fed used to lower rates if unemployed rose which fired up the mfg creating more jobs and lowering employment again...yada yada yada! Now the fed lost a trick out of the bag because of corporate greed!!! But hey what do I know? Chef thinks I'm a creeper as my daughter jax would say!