look, i don't know how old you are, but what we're talking about here is A LOT of money. the whole ethos of Bitcoin is as a trustless currency. that currency depends on it's source code. any changes to that code can change the economic assumptions and those correctly positioned can make LOTS. to have core devs under the employment of a for-profit company is ridiculous. it doesn't make any difference that they've behaved up to this point. look what happened in 2008 in the GFC. tremendous amounts of trust were lost in were supposed to be institutions to protect our form of capitalism. didn't work out when the shit hit the fan did it? are you willing to risk the entire Bitcoin system to have 5 devs who commit to the Bitcoin source while employed by Austin Hill, a hedge fund guy?
how is it ridiculous if the for-profit company in question works to IMPROVE the Bitcoin technology and has EVERY incentive to do so in a legitimate community approved way?
there is the potential to implement things that will benefit the company. why can't you see this? we should avoid if at all possible compromising situations. 5 devs under one roof is not the answer, imo. if they were split up individually, then fine.
comparison to 2008 is asinine. Bitcoin development is an open source process.
I repeat, these 5 devs have every incentive to work in a transparent and community focused manner. You are suggesting they will go rogue and commit damaging code to the Bitcoin main core and that the community, the miners, and everyone running a node will play along? This is tinfoil hat status AFAIC.
how can you assure that they won't? simply b/c they haven't? that's naive.
Attacking Austin Hill personally just because you dislike the guy isn't helping your cause either? I know some people who, contrary to you, have worked with Austin personally and can certainly vouch for him. It appears a great deal of industry people do so as well so right now, it seems to me you're alone in your corner, with Peter Todd maybe, trying to pin bad intentions to a person with nothing but words to back up your claims.
you're putting words in my mouth. i never said i don't like Hill.
the fact that Hill and Back did miss early adoption of Bitcoin needs to be considered. they probably don't have much in the way of BTC. this could change all that for them so i don't blame them for taking this shot if they can get ppl like you to buy in.