"Should" is the scary word here
no kidding
its during times like these that reading technical articles about the math behind Bitcoin restores confidence in what we're dealing with. read Graf's article i posted above.
also, ignore idiots like Severro. notice how those punks never enter this thread except for the one time fallling dared to post? they don't dare to hang out in threads where there is actual intelligent ppl and discussion going on. plus, i'd rip him to shreds. he never talks about anything technical b/c i'm sure he doesn't understand what Bitcoin is or what it represents. he just a hired troll used to scare the weak minded.
Or just watch that Wences video I keep posting. The trolls can think and post what they want, but the reality is that bitcoin is an unprecedented advance in the technology of money, and given the extraordinary efficiency gains inherent in improving the one technology that moves all value around the world, it'll slowly but surely seep into the core of global human exchange.
Let the weak-minds do what they do best: emotionally react rather than intelligently evaluate.