I'm impressed with the number of pos guys following this thread.
Why does it have to be us vs them? Why must the crypto space be so divided? I am not a "pos guy". I simply see some value and utility in a well designed system and want to share that with others, just as I do with bitcoin.
Fiat is the enemy here.
Because if another coin even gets close (same order of mag) to bitcoin in terms of market cap, it seriously erodes the "scarcity" feature/argument of bitcoin, which is one of the most critical arguments for putting any wealth/mindshare/time/effort into bitcoin (and by extension, any crypto). Guys like Schiff and Rickards would be proven right, and no one would be comfortable putting any wealth into any crypto for a long long time. Thus, everyone would lose. Humanity would not see the benefits that decentralized money can bring for many years/decades longer than if bitcoin simply becomes the obvious-to-everyone non-dethronable crypto store of value.
To be clear, I think there's niche value in some alts, and some of the experimentation is valuable. But you guys who think that many coins can live side by side with similar monetizations are missing the key point that if that happened, we'd all be sitting side-by-side at *trivial* market-caps, not big ones.
It appears that all of my posts stating the Nxt is not a "coin" have gone ignored. Not sure what is the point in refuting the same arguments over and over.
I have no interest in trying to dethrone Bitcoin. It's is crypto's store of value. That is it's job. It provides the backing everything else that comes after it. Bitcoin goes up, everything goes up. Bitcoin goes down, everything goes down - because they are directly tied to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is your entry into cryptoland. From there you are free to do as you wish with any system you wish, free of regulation and red tape and slow processes and filled with CHOICE! This is what crypto gives us: CHOICE and FREEDOM to do what we want with our money. Bitcoin is our direct gateway into that and does it exceptionally well.
Any coin that is a direct fork of bitcoin is not worth a second glance due to the reasons you mention above. However I believe that like Nxt, Maidsafe, Storj etc are NOT coins. They provide innovative value that is completely separate from it being a currency. They are token that exist on a system that provides other functions - and guess what, their value ARE MEASURED IN BITCOINS and is therefore in direct relation to the utility they provide crypto as a whole! The use of these systems should bring more value to crypto and therefore Bitcoin itself. Of course because they have value they can be traded LIKE a currency and will speculated on but that is not their primary goal. That is Bitcoin's job and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Bitcoin's value is not and should not be threatened by this and if it is, then it would be because it is not doing it's job very well.
well, i'll agree with you there. all these Bitcoin 2.0 projects involve "tokens", which unlike you say, are fundamental to the success of the underlying platforms. otherwise, how could you trade a token that is worthless for storage space? tokens have to have some value to do this.
the problem though is that those tokens will inevitably trend to 0 value. they are like United Flyer miles. i can't tell you how many times those miles have been devalued or outright cancelled due to non use. for the Bitcoin 2.0 projects, which have specific uses, it will behoove cryptocurrency users to hold their BTC
over time until they have the need for these specific use cases. this is b/c of the fixed supply nature of Bitcoin and its real world relationship to ever increasing fiat currency. in other words, BTC should increase in value over time as one holds them
instead of tokens. this encourages market participants to hold their BTC until such time as they "need" to use them. the converse is that the value of tokens on other platforms should trend to 0.