I posted it on his thread but of course it was deleted in a few seconds.
It's due to be removed. I don't get why anyone would sell this way but perhaps it turns him on.
Hasn't been removed. Exactly as I predicted. What are the odds?
1oz gold bars coming up for sale soon, now that I'm proven a legitimate gold seller here.
I might be interested in a gold bar. Let's see how this deals ends up first though.
Yes lets see, very doubtful about seller no doubt this will be deleted too.
Also, even if the first coin was legit, there's no guarantee the following (after he's "proven a legitimate gold seller here") are this:
So buying without escrow from him will always be an unacceptable risk.
Clearly his intention is to make people trust him and make them send first without escrow.
Most probably he will either run with the money or send back fake coins.