Sorry but that's just daydreaming.
Other countries will build something only if it rewards them financially, all businesses in crypto do this only for money, you might not like it but right now that's what 99% of the whole system is about, businesses and authorities will not invest money if there isn't something to be gained from, which usually is more money.
And more financial freedom and more money in taxes are simply contradictory situations. I've seen a lot of those things on how countries will have x and y and z to lose if they become hostile to bitcoin, as a country (we're excluding from this personal finances) what do you have to lose from this, assuming the whole of Europe completely bans crypto, from the government's point of view, and income in taxes, what do they lose? Let's be honest about it, all of us praise the way BTC helps us avoid fiscal control, it's not like crypto businesses are paying billions in taxes, and the money they spend on other things, it's not money made out of thin air it's from people who have invested their money that would have ended being taxed anyhow.
Do you see China falling because they've banned bitcoin? Why? Won't they be able to produce smartphones, clothes, teacups, or raise pigs because of this?
We're still talking about what Satoshi thought bitcoin would be about and I've never seen a paragraph on how countries that will not adapt to this will crumble to ruin nor how this p2p will revolutionize state affairs.
For me is quite interesting how at the same time people lean towards total libertarianism but at the same time they are trying to bring the authorities into the picture, and in all this mess, despite being willing to go to extreme lengths to cut their control and say in the matters they somehow manage to find a scenario where this will reward them for nonimplication. How that is possible, as I asked you before is beyond me!
Again this is about countries, not about individuals, that's a whole other thing, individuals for example can move, but I'm yet to see a single forum member moving to Salvador to take advantage of taxes or freedom or opportunities. And that is mainly because 99% of the individuals in the world don't really care about 1-5% in taxes as much as they care for something being convenient and not requiring clicking more than two "I accept" buttons, 1 million will take a photo of their ID, 100 will think about installing bisq and one will actually do.
I know it doesn't sound nice, but I know everyone knows deep down that's what's happening, it ain't going to be a utopia as we're heading full speed to one hell of a dystopian future
Why do they have to do something about it? The community is doing this for them at no cost, monero capitalization has dwindled compared to BTC from 1:40 to 1:200, give it a few more years, and you're going to see people asking if Monero has NFTs
Not if it's more than 10k, all transactions over 10k in value, you will either need to find a buyer willing to fake the value of the car in the contract or make a multi-payment contract, not that many who will agree on it.