After reading the long draft, I was thinking that I didn't remember reading in the draft what franky1 had posted. I took him off ignore, looked up what he had posted, without citing the source, and I see that it is not in this draft.
After investigating, I see that he is quoting
a previous draft that was not approved. draft he cites is this one, which is not the one that was voted on last Thursday, nor the one I am referring to or referred to in the articles cited in the OP.
um yes they dont !approve" of things at the draft stage... instead they have "readings"
what you are now quoting. is not a "DRAFT" an amendment report 'reading' of the draft.. not the actual draft
this is not the draft. its just a subset of possible amendments to make to the draft
what you are quoting is not the full document with full explanation and detail. you are just reference only the chapters they want to change.
and no i doubt you even dared read the entire draft and then compared all referenced amendments to see how it changes the wording. i predict you just copy and pasted my exert of the draft to google search for it and then see its not the same link as your are looking at (your subset) and thought 'oh look franky is not reading what im reading'
well of course because i am looking at the whole thing to get the full context.
but it is now funny how you and your chums are NOW using the words "service providers" and trying to hide your previous opinion of "non-custodial wallets"
very revealing
and funny at times..
your buddy, trying to input some nonsense so that he can try backing up your nonsense
2. Transfers from/to un-hosted wallets
Secondly, it should be clarified that this Regulation applies also to transfers from or to crypto-asset wallets based on a software or hardware not hosted by a third party, known as ‘unhosted wallets’, provided that a crypto-asset service provider or another obliged entity is involved.
sorry but here is the thing. its again not about getting unhosted wallets to obtain info.
its about service providers which act as payment services where the private key owner is not the service provider
take for instance, if an exchange had a cold wallet 'owned by a trust'(legally separate entity) where the exchange itself(their website/server) was just a 'watch-only' service seeing deposits..
the exchange still needs to KYC the customer...
this does not mean the cold wallet software needs to. nor does the legal entity 'trust' of the cold wallet need to
here is the actual wording from the amendments
n the case of a transfer of crypto-assets from or to a crypto-asset wallet not held by a third party, known as an 'unhosted wallet', the crypto-asset service provider or other obliged entity should
obtain and retain the required originator and beneficiary information from their customer, whether originator or beneficiary.
why would they do this amendment.
to as i suggested. to stop exchanges putting their cold wallet into separate legal entities to pretend they are not a crypto asset service by only being a watch only service.
yep they thought ahead and closed a loophole exchanges could have used to pretend they dont handle funds so they dont have to KYC..
the important thing is that payment service providers are the ones required. not the private key holder