
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 73. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Jeez. it's only the most obviously phony and contrived proxy war in recent memory dude!  I'd say that there are high odds that the people who support Paul thinking he is just playing politics will be as disappointed as those who supported Obama for the same reason.  I'd still favor him over Clinton just in case, but hold out very little hope.  The only silver lining is that it could be a boost for Ventura who, quite frankly, strikes me as our only semi-realistic hope.

The solution to ISIS is the same as it has been for all of these Islamic groups for the last three or four years.  Let Assad handle them which he could do within a few months if we'd leave him and his country alone.  And  the end result would be that Christian communities can live in peace, women could attend university, etc, etc just like before we put the heat on by funding the Islamists.  That would be super simple, but it is obviously not what we want in that region.  Paul seems to have gotten the memo and has probably been briefed on why it is important to our national security to disrupt things.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul can attract black voters. Hillary Clinton should take notice.

September 11, 2014

Sen. Rand Paul, a Republican who is on record questioning a part of the Civil Rights Act and has been associated with neo-Confederates, has a shot at winning over a significant minority of black voters in 2016 if he keeps doing what he’s been doing over the past year or so.

Hillary Clinton fans should not take for granted that as of now the biggest obstacle to such a seemingly unlikely feat is not the former Secretary of State, but Rand’s own party.

I know because I’m one of those gettable black voters who haven’t gotten much attention the past few election cycles because we were, frankly, not gettable in 2008 and 2012, not only because of the historic nature of those races, but because then candidate Barack Obama spoke eloquently on the issue Paul has taken up as his own.

I voted for Obama twice, the first time I was motivated by his work in Illinois to revamp the criminal justice system, to make it just a little less unfair. During his time as president, he has helped to close what was a 100 to 1 crack to powder-cocaine disparity and cleared the way for tens of thousands of non-violent drug offenders to receive reduced sentences.

It’s been a good start, but Paul not only plans to carry that torch, he is speaking about it in ways Obama has seemed reluctant to since he’s been in the White House.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Opposes Obama's Plan To Arm Syrian Rebels In Fight Against ISIS
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) does not support arming and training Syrian opposition forces, a key element of President Barack Obama's new strategy to destroy Islamic State militants in the Middle East.

"Senator Paul believes arming the same side as ISIS was and is a strategic error and would oppose such action," Paul's senior aide, Doug Stafford, told The Huffington Post on Wednesday.

The news was first reported by The Daily Beast.


By opposing the arming of opposition forces in Syria, Paul echoed Sen. Mark Begich, a vulnerable Democrat up for re-election in Alaska, who expressed similar concern that U.S. arms would end up in the wrong hands. In a statement following the president's speech, Begich said he was "gravely concerned by reports of ISIS seizing and utilizing U.S. weapons intended for those fighting against" Assad.


Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Politicians don't have the balls do go independent, well except for Jesse Ventura and at least Gary Johnson isn't a part of the two party system.

Paul running as an independent can only help Hillary. Suppose there is a three-way fight between Hillary, Rand Paul and Chris Christie. Here, Hillary will be carrying the entire Democrat vote (especially the Blacks and Latinos), while the right-wing vote will be split between Christie and Paul. The establishment wing will vote for Christie, while the Libertarians will vote for Paul.

That said, it is too early to come to such conclusions.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1015
Paul would be interesting as an independent candidate. I don't see the GOP nominating him.

Politicians don't have the balls do go independent, well except for Jesse Ventura and at least Gary Johnson isn't a part of the two party system.
You need $millions just to get signatures to be on the state ballots (we have a very anti-third-party/anti-independent voting scheme in the US -- our largest third party hasn't had a presidential candidate on all ballots in recent history). -And then you won't be allowed to participate in debates, you won't receive media coverage (except to make fun of you when you're forcibly prevented from trying to go to the debate), and you need to work multitudes as hard as the others to convert voters. You can't just show up in a suit and have people assume you're credible -- independents & third party candidates in the US are crazy until they manage to get someone's ear and prove otherwise. Previous high-profile independents like Ventura, who shakes in rage when he isn't shouting at someone, and James Traficant haven't helped eliminate the stigma. I think we generally assume if they aren't in the Two Parties, it's because they didn't pass the crazy test (the test has a LOT of false negatives, though).

In 2008, I knew even less than I do now. I watched a "lesser known candidates debate" (being one of maybe a thousand in the US who did). Between some crazed faggot sprinkling glitter on a Christian nut and another fellow named Vermin Supreme trolling, I automatically assumed the fellow harping on about thorium was batshit insane and deserved to be mocked. I noticed later, when looking into it incidentally years later, I automatically dismissed thorium having any legitimate use by association with that guy (who I wrote off as insane because of his "associates" in that debate).
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Paul would be interesting as an independent candidate. I don't see the GOP nominating him.

Politicians don't have the balls do go independent, well except for Jesse Ventura and at least Gary Johnson isn't a part of the two party system.

It's tougher, without the alliances, fundraising, and clout of a major party. But today's GOP would not nominate Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, or Bob Dole. All would be too moderate for today's extremist brand.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Paul would be interesting as an independent candidate. I don't see the GOP nominating him.

Politicians don't have the balls do go independent, well except for Jesse Ventura and at least Gary Johnson isn't a part of the two party system.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Paul would be interesting as an independent candidate. I don't see the GOP nominating him.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

You might be happy to know that rather than do a protest vote in a Clinton v. Paul contest, I'll almost certainly vote for Paul now.  I might even campaign for him in the primaries to some extent if I thought it could make a difference.

I remain leery of the Libertarian party line philosophies in some ways (while agreeing as strongly as ever with a lot of others) and I remain suspicious that Paul could be corrupted.  More than that, I am concerned about the reliability of a lot of people who align with the Libertarian party and they would be empowered by a Paul in the executive.  What has changed is my recognition about how much power the 'collectivists' actually have managed to amass.  I've always been worried that 'collectivism' would be subverted by corporatism if it ever did get traction.  I recognize now that it has gotten more traction than I realized and it has been driven and animated by corporatism the whole way.  The term 'public-private partnerships' is openly used as a good thing but in my mind I consider it straight-up fascism with totalitarianism rarely being far behind.  And it's hard not so see the skeletal framework of totalitarianism forming (or being completed) rapidly before our eyes.

Now, would a president Paul disassemble some of the totalitarian frameworks being developed, or would he pull an Obama?  This is hard to know and I'm plenty leery of it.  He's our best realistic shot however.  Unfortunately that isn't saying much.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
For the past several months, I was not following the GOP nomination for POTUS 2016. But I was quite disappointed when I saw the latest polls. A poll by McClatchy/Marist has Rand Paul in the 7th place, well behind Chris Christie and Jeb Bush. Quite worrying... I have to say. The establishment republicans are trying hard to sideline Paul. He will have to fight really hard.  Angry
IIRC, the sampling size on that seemed a little weak and way different than the usual 4 companies that show him at or near the top, nationally. He tends to yoyo by how often he's in the press and getting in front of a certain issue of the day. Meanwhile, he's laying every piece of fabric needed to create a foundation for locking the front runner status while the others in the GOP primary trade places like Cain/Bachmann/Perry/Gingrich etc (aka flavors of the month).

IMO, there's been a constant black ops going on since in or around the Benghazi debacle to systematically create a new and spicier version of al qaeda since the American people are getting bored at the concept of constantly "going over there in search of dragons". When even republicans were trending against intervention to now when they're leaning back the other way to some extent, the media has done their job of trending fear again. However, we're just getting started again going over there and there's no way to know how this will develop going into the primary season although we do know how the media will present it to the public especially on right wing talk shows. But, I am confident in Rand's abilities to make his arguments iron clad yet attract the ankle biters like Cheney and Santorum.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul mulls China medical mission

By MIKE ALLEN | 9/10/14 6:54 AM EDT

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), after spending six days in Guatemala this summer doing free eye surgeries, plans a similar pro bono mission for next summer, perhaps in China, he told POLITICO in an interview.

Paul, who traveled with three staff members, journalists from five news organizations, plus conservative filmmaker David Bossie, worked with six other eye surgeons. The group performed about 250 surgeries, and he did about 20 of them.

Here is a lightly edited transcript of a phone conversation with the senator, who spent 17 years as a practicing ophthalmologist in Bowling Green, Ky.:


Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
For the past several months, I was not following the GOP nomination for POTUS 2016. But I was quite disappointed when I saw the latest polls. A poll by McClatchy/Marist has Rand Paul in the 7th place, well behind Chris Christie and Jeb Bush. Quite worrying... I have to say. The establishment republicans are trying hard to sideline Paul. He will have to fight really hard.  Angry

It is very early for polls, even the "good ones."
You are correct that Rand faces a really tough road, but it will be an amazing fight.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
For the past several months, I was not following the GOP nomination for POTUS 2016. But I was quite disappointed when I saw the latest polls. A poll by McClatchy/Marist has Rand Paul in the 7th place, well behind Chris Christie and Jeb Bush. Quite worrying... I have to say. The establishment republicans are trying hard to sideline Paul. He will have to fight really hard.  Angry
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
[Video] Rand Paul speaks out against police militarization at senate hearing 9/9/14
7 mins
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Heading Back to New Hampshire (1st in the nation primary location)

Headed to New Hampshire Friday for a sold out event in Manchester, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said he’ll be making a decision about whether he’ll run for president by the spring next year.
“My wife and I are still talking about it, and we’ve agreed to continue talking about it, but I don’t think there will be a final decision made until the spring,” Paul said in a phone interview Monday evening.

"That’s about as specific as I can get, because I don’t know how convincing I can be with my wife. We have always sort of said we were going to wait until the spring, at least until after this election—and really, the more we’ve had time to think about it to see how things were going into spring. There’s a lot of different variables, not just family life but also whether or not we think the electorate is warming up to these ideas and ready for maybe a different kind of Republican—a Republican that keeps the core values and beliefs of what we stood for but also has issues and areas of where we can reach out to new people,” he added.

Paul's Manchester appearance is being billed as a unity event after the state’s primaries are over later tonight.

“It is sold out, and we’re in the process of trying to figure out if we can expand into another room,” New Hampshire GOP chairwoman Jennifer Horn told Breitbart News on Tuesday morning.

Horn said that Paul “gets a very good reception” whenever he’s in New Hampshire, one of the nation’s first presidential states.

“It’s part of our culture here,” Horn said. “Anyone who comes up here who’s even being talked about as a potential presidential candidate is always very well-received and we take very seriously the role that we play in that process. Everyone is well-received and given the opportunity to be heard. Sen. Paul is very warmly-received whenever he comes up here. He has a lot of friends in New Hampshire already and people are looking forward to having him back on Friday.”

Paul will be attending events with the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate, the candidate who wins today’s primary and gets set to face Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) in November. Horn and Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) are expected to be at several of these events as well in an effort to unify the party after the primary. Former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown is expected to edge out his challengers in the primary—Brown moved to New Hampshire after getting ousted from the U.S. Senate by Elizabeth Warren, and is running for the seat from there—but a last minute push poll from Jim Rubens’ campaign suggested he might have a chance.

“When I ran for re-election, I had a pretty bitterly contested primary but one of the things they ask us to do and some of this was at Sen. McConnell’s behest was to come together at a unity rally four days after the election,” Paul said. “I agreed in my primary, because I think what we represent as Republicans—we have some differences of opinion—but what separates us from the Democrats is a great deal and I think it makes a big difference to the country who runs the Senate and who sets the agenda. I’ve always been a big believer in supporting the Party’s nominee. I agreed when I ran for election that I’d support the nominee, and I’ve done several of these unity rallies—we’ve been asked to do others in several other states as well.”


Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Rand Paul tops Politico 50 list - "The Most Interesting Man in Politics"

#1 / Rand Paul


Senator, Kentucky


A civil liberties-loving peacenik with millennial appeal? Who’s willing to show up even at a midsummer NAACP convention to talk to a near-empty room? There’s no doubt Rand Paul is turning out to be a different kind of Republican, bringing libertarian—and contrarian—ideas to the national stage in a novel and calculated blurring of Washington’s otherwise rigid ideological battle lines.

Paul, the 51-year-old ophthalmologist son of libertarian gadfly Ron Paul, has made a concerted move from the political fringes over the past year; now he’s on a mission to remake his party, too. The GOP must “evolve, adapt or die” in the wake of two successive national defeats, the Kentucky senator insists. And, more than any other potential Republican presidential contender, he is taking his own advice. Paul’s ideas offer an utterly different Republican approach to questions of equity, education and fairness in America’s treatment of minorities, for instance—a post-partisan theme he has emphasized by teaming up with Cory Booker, the African-American former mayor of Newark turned freshman Democratic senator. Paul’s instinctive libertarianism, meanwhile, plays well with America’s pro-pot, pro-gay marriage younger generation, and the senator is aggressively wooing free-market millionaires for political support (and donations) in traditionally liberal Silicon Valley.



Complete list...

Great article!
I've been ignoring the daily news and politics lately, but I'm excited to see Rand's fresh approach is gaining positive attention.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul tops Politico 50 list - "The Most Interesting Man in Politics"

#1 / Rand Paul


Senator, Kentucky


A civil liberties-loving peacenik with millennial appeal? Who’s willing to show up even at a midsummer NAACP convention to talk to a near-empty room? There’s no doubt Rand Paul is turning out to be a different kind of Republican, bringing libertarian—and contrarian—ideas to the national stage in a novel and calculated blurring of Washington’s otherwise rigid ideological battle lines.

Paul, the 51-year-old ophthalmologist son of libertarian gadfly Ron Paul, has made a concerted move from the political fringes over the past year; now he’s on a mission to remake his party, too. The GOP must “evolve, adapt or die” in the wake of two successive national defeats, the Kentucky senator insists. And, more than any other potential Republican presidential contender, he is taking his own advice. Paul’s ideas offer an utterly different Republican approach to questions of equity, education and fairness in America’s treatment of minorities, for instance—a post-partisan theme he has emphasized by teaming up with Cory Booker, the African-American former mayor of Newark turned freshman Democratic senator. Paul’s instinctive libertarianism, meanwhile, plays well with America’s pro-pot, pro-gay marriage younger generation, and the senator is aggressively wooing free-market millionaires for political support (and donations) in traditionally liberal Silicon Valley.



Complete list...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
btw, there's also news of the ron paul scandal affecting rand.. i'm not quite sure how fair it is to label rand guilty by association, but that's the way it works i guess.

turns out ron paul was willing to "buy" endorsements, which to me, makes him the same as every other politician.
Ron Paul has been notorious for allowing trusted companions to do things in his name for a long time. That's where you had the alleged racist newsletters from back in the ~80's going out that he repudiated. Recently, Jesse Benton was his campaign manager and also married to one of Ron's grand-daughters and he's the culprit behind this endorsement buying w/ state senator Kent Sorenson. It is kind of sloppy on Ron's behalf to let others run his ship but when you've been the libertarian gadfly for the last 30 years in the swamp known as DC, you tend to keep trusted people by your side to keep up the morale cause it has to be lonely living all that time. Plus, he was creating a national libertarian persona by using the newsletters to raise money to stave off all the primary attacks by the political machine over the years at a time when there was no internet.
sr. member
Activity: 504
Merit: 250
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