
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 76. (Read 205816 times)

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And another one that focuses mostly on his alleged missteps

The glare of Iowa’s bright lights this week shows Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has work to do if he wants to win the GOP nomination.

The likely 2016 contender spent the first half of the week barnstorming the Hawkeye State, traveling 800 miles to meet with the divergent tribes that make up the state’s Republican base.

But while Iowa Republicans give him credit for reaching out to voters outside his natural base, they say he needs to polish his message after a series of missteps that drew local and national attention.
Paul spent much of his week trying to explain his view on Israeli foreign aid, at first claiming he’d never supported cutting it — which he has, repeatedly — before walking back those remarks


I really don't see Paul as a serious contender for the 2016 GOP nomination. I don't think he is well known enough throughout the Conservative base to win the nomination. With the exception of Huckabee I think he is the least well known person on this list.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
And another one that focuses mostly on his alleged missteps

The glare of Iowa’s bright lights this week shows Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has work to do if he wants to win the GOP nomination.

The likely 2016 contender spent the first half of the week barnstorming the Hawkeye State, traveling 800 miles to meet with the divergent tribes that make up the state’s Republican base.

But while Iowa Republicans give him credit for reaching out to voters outside his natural base, they say he needs to polish his message after a series of missteps that drew local and national attention.
Paul spent much of his week trying to explain his view on Israeli foreign aid, at first claiming he’d never supported cutting it — which he has, repeatedly — before walking back those remarks



better that it happens now than when his campaign is fully-fledged. he's getting his practice in after all. those were really bad gaffes though, and if we were a few months away from election and he said that stuff.. it would really hurt his chances.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
And another one that focuses mostly on his alleged missteps

The glare of Iowa’s bright lights this week shows Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has work to do if he wants to win the GOP nomination.

The likely 2016 contender spent the first half of the week barnstorming the Hawkeye State, traveling 800 miles to meet with the divergent tribes that make up the state’s Republican base.

But while Iowa Republicans give him credit for reaching out to voters outside his natural base, they say he needs to polish his message after a series of missteps that drew local and national attention.
Paul spent much of his week trying to explain his view on Israeli foreign aid, at first claiming he’d never supported cutting it — which he has, repeatedly — before walking back those remarks


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Pretty good coverage of the Iowa trip by the big paper in the major city there.
7 take-homes from Rand Paul's Iowa journey

After Rand Paul's three-day mad dash across Iowa last week, zigzagging around the presidential testing grounds for 800 miles, he appears the most likely to declare a White House bid among all the politicos putting out feelers in the first-in-the-nation voting state.

Paul is a Republican U.S. senator from Kentucky and the son of three-time presidential candidate and former Texas U.S. Rep. Ron Paul.

Here are some observations from his visit last week:

1. He showed he can draw a crowd here.

Some of Paul's stops piggybacked on events that had ties to other Iowa politicians, which helped boost the numbers.

Paul's audience at an event at the lakeside Barefoot Bar in Okoboji on Monday night was a couple hundred strong, but it was hard to tell how many people had just docked their boat for some umbrella drinks and dinner. And Republican U.S. Rep. Steve King, who is wildly popular in northwest Iowa, organized the fundraiser, so some people likely showed up simply out of loyalty to King.

But at the Davenport GOP victory headquarters Tuesday, people were there just to see Paul — and the crowd, estimated at 250, packed the building and poured out the front door. News about the event made the front page of the Quad City Times.

Tom Wassenaar, 36, a power company lineman from Spirit Lake, sipped a Bud Light after Paul's speech in Okoboji. "I think he stands out amongst a lot of the other people," he said.

"It was pretty inspirational," said Wassenaar's friend, Chad Thompson, a 35-year-old mortgage lending company vice president from Okoboji. "He's fun to listen to. I'd come back tomorrow if he were going to speak again."

2. Paul went out of his way to meet with every faction of the GOP in Iowa.

Business leaders got Paul's undivided attention at a roundtable at the headquarters of the Von Maur department store chain in Davenport on Tuesday afternoon. Meredith Corp. brass got a private audience in Des Moines on Wednesday morning.

Paul did a one-on-one at a Starbucks coffee shop with GOP heavyweight David Oman, who later told the Register: "Paul is an engaging guy who is saying some of the right things on entitlements, poverty, privacy, debt, limited government, and smart national security vs. nation building."

Evangelical pastors got a read on Paul over lunch Wednesday at the Holiday Inn by the airport.

Christian conservative Sam Clovis, the GOP state treasurer candidate, was invited to ride along between two Des Moines events. State Rep. Bobby Kaufmann, a property rights advocate and son of the Iowa GOP chairman, was on board for Tuesday's leg between Iowa City and Davenport.

A variety of non-Paul folks — meaning those who weren't among the elder Paul's supporters in 2012 — sized up the Kentucky senator at a gathering Wednesday afternoon organized by Lowell Scott, husband of Iowa's GOP national committeewoman.

Ron Paul-backing liberty movement conservatives were invited to a private reception at the Embassy Suites in Des Moines on Tuesday night. Among the 70 or so who showed up were at least a couple of registered libertarian party members. And Paul had dinner with his father's 2012 Iowa campaign chairman, Drew Ivers, on Centro's patio Tuesday night.

The whole time, Paul and his advisers took the temperature on how he was received.

3. He got a taste of the pressure he'd deal with should he run.

Paul's Iowa political advisers crafted a schedule that was so jammed with back-to-back events that Paul and aides either skipped meals or bolted down power bars and deli sandwiches in the car. Paul could be heard doing radio interviews as he rode between stops.

The number of news reporters he attracted — from the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Yahoo News, Buzzfeed, CNN and the major TV networks — resembled coverage of a presidential campaign 100 days out from the Iowa caucuses.

Paul continually had cameras on him, not only from journalists but from Democratic trackers hoping to catch him making a gaffe. The video that got the most buzz was of Paul leaving his table in the middle of dinner with King, seemingly to avoid a confrontation with an activist who immigrated illegally from Mexico at age 11. Observers viewing the viral video on the Internet noted he grabbed his beer as he left.

The rest...
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
huge gaffe by rand paul.. i guess he felt comfortable saying incendiary things since it was fox news after all. even if it wasn't what he meant, it doesn't matter, because the media will spin it on him.

“Now you know my life…I just can’t eat a burger made by an immigrant, but I have my reasons. It has nothing to do with them being here illegally, it’s just an attack on our American culture to do so.” Paul said, before explaining that while the confrontation with King was happening, he was a mere 10 feet away giving another interview he had promised earlier.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
Why Rand Paul Is Attacking Hillary Clinton

Michael Scherer

Meet the GOP's top Hillary attack dog

Some politicians attack in prose. Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul can do it in poetry—with color, precision and language that’s hard to forget.

Over the last week, he didn’t just blame Hillary Clinton for the current state of Libya, he said she created a “Jihadist wonderland” there. He didn’t just knock her for not fortifying the Benghazi embassy, he said she treated the place “as if it were Paris.”

“While she was turning down request for security, she spent $650,000 on Facebook ads, trying to get more friends for the State Department,” he said. “They spent $700,000 on landscaping at the Brussels embassy. They spent $5 million on crystal glassware for the embassies around the world.”

On Friday, he asked the crowd for a moment of silence, to pray for Clinton’s bank account. “Somebody must have been praying for her, because she’s now worth $100, $200 million,” he followed, deadpan. “I tell you, it was really tough giving those speeches.” Then on Tuesday, at an event for a fellow ophthalmologist running for Congress in Iowa City, offered his crowning rhetorical turn. “Hillary’s war in Libya, Hillary’s war in Syria,” he said. “None of this was ever approved by Congress.”


Red meat for republicans during his Iowa trip.

I would very much be surprised if Clinton would be able to win the presidential election. She is much too liberal to appeal to the moderate liberal base and has way too many skeletons in her closet (some of which are already out) for her to be able to win the national election. If she is nominated I would expect the election to be a landslide for her GOP opponent.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Front Cover of the New York Times Magazine

And the big article on libertarians on the up and up

“Let’s say Ron Paul is Nirvana,” said Kennedy, the television personality and former MTV host, by way of explaining the sort of politician who excites libertarians like herself. “Like, the coolest, most amazing thing to come along in years, and the songs are nebulous but somehow meaningful, and the lead singer kills himself to preserve the band’s legacy.

“Then Rand Paul — he’s Pearl Jam. Comes from the same place, the songs are really catchy, can really pack the stadiums, though it’s not quite Nirvana.

“Ted Cruz? He’s Stone Temple Pilots. Tries really hard to sound like Pearl Jam, never gonna sound like Nirvana. Really good voice, great staying power — but the whole is not greater than the sum of its parts.”
But today, for perhaps the first time, the libertarian movement appears to have genuine political momentum on its side. An estimated 54 percent of Americans now favor extending marriage rights to gay couples. Decriminalizing marijuana has become a mainstream position, while the drive to reduce sentences for minor drug offenders has led to the wondrous spectacle of Rick Perry — the governor of Texas, where more inmates are executed than in any other state — telling a Washington audience: “You want to talk about real conservative governance? Shut prisons down. Save that money.” The appetite for foreign intervention is at low ebb, with calls by Republicans to rein in federal profligacy now increasingly extending to the once-sacrosanct military budget. And deep concern over government surveillance looms as one of the few bipartisan sentiments in Washington, which is somewhat unanticipated given that the surveiller in chief, the former constitutional-law professor Barack Obama, had been described in a 2008 Times Op-Ed by the legal commentator Jeffrey Rosen as potentially “our first president who is a civil libertarian.”

Meanwhile, the age group most responsible for delivering Obama his two terms may well become a political wild card over time, in large part because of its libertarian leanings. Raised on the ad hoc communalism of the Internet, disenchanted by the Iraq War, reflexively tolerant of other lifestyles, appalled by government intrusion into their private affairs and increasingly convinced that the Obama economy is rigged against them, the millennials can no longer be regarded as faithful Democrats — and a recent poll confirmed that fully half of voters between ages 18 and 29 are unwedded to either party. Obama has profoundly disappointed many of these voters by shying away from marijuana decriminalization, by leading from behind on same-sex marriage, by trumping the Bush administration on illegal-immigrant deportations and by expanding Bush’s N.S.A. surveillance program. As one 30-year-old libertarian senior staff member on the Hill told me: “I think we expected this sort of thing from Bush. But Obama seemed to be hip and in touch with my generation, and then he goes and reads our emails.”
After eight years out of the White House, Republicans would seem well positioned to cast themselves as the fresh alternative, though perhaps only if the party first reappraises stances that young voters, in particular, regard as outdated. Emily Ekins, a pollster for the Reason Foundation, says: “Unlike with previous generations, we’re seeing a newer dimension emerge where they agree with Democrats on social issues, and on economic issues lean more to the right. It’s possible that Democrats will have to shift to the right on economic issues. But the Republicans will definitely have to move to the left on social issues. They just don’t have the numbers otherwise.” A G.O.P. more flexible on social issues might also appeal to another traditionally Democratic group with a libertarian tilt: the high-tech communities in Silicon Valley and elsewhere, whose mounting disdain for taxes, regulations and unions has become increasingly dissonant with their voting habits.

Hence the excitement about Rand Paul. It’s hardly surprising that Paul, in Ekins’s recent survey of millennial voters, came out ahead of all other potential Republican presidential candidates; on issues including same-sex marriage, surveillance and military intervention, his positions more closely mirror those of young voters than those of the G.O.P. establishment. Paul’s famous 13-hour filibuster last year, while ultimately failing to thwart the confirmation of the C.I.A. director John Brennan, lit afire the Twittersphere and compelled Republican leaders, who previously dismissed Paul as a fringe character, to add their own #StandWithRand endorsements. Paul has also gone to considerable lengths to court non-Republican audiences, like Berkeley students and the National Urban League.
During the father’s two runs for president as a Republican, in 2008 and 2012, libertarian activists gave him momentum far beyond his popular appeal, packing caucus halls and organizing rallies. But it’s an open question whether these same activists will get off the sidelines and support his son, whose libertarian bona fides are less sure but whose chance of victory is far greater. And if they do, it’s unclear whether G.O.P. establishment figures can put aside their longtime distrust of libertarianism and welcome Paul’s bid to expand the party’s base. If this is indeed the libertarian moment, do either libertarians or Republicans intend to seize it?

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Why Rand Paul Is Attacking Hillary Clinton

Michael Scherer

Meet the GOP's top Hillary attack dog

Some politicians attack in prose. Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul can do it in poetry—with color, precision and language that’s hard to forget.

Over the last week, he didn’t just blame Hillary Clinton for the current state of Libya, he said she created a “Jihadist wonderland” there. He didn’t just knock her for not fortifying the Benghazi embassy, he said she treated the place “as if it were Paris.”

“While she was turning down request for security, she spent $650,000 on Facebook ads, trying to get more friends for the State Department,” he said. “They spent $700,000 on landscaping at the Brussels embassy. They spent $5 million on crystal glassware for the embassies around the world.”

On Friday, he asked the crowd for a moment of silence, to pray for Clinton’s bank account. “Somebody must have been praying for her, because she’s now worth $100, $200 million,” he followed, deadpan. “I tell you, it was really tough giving those speeches.” Then on Tuesday, at an event for a fellow ophthalmologist running for Congress in Iowa City, offered his crowning rhetorical turn. “Hillary’s war in Libya, Hillary’s war in Syria,” he said. “None of this was ever approved by Congress.”


Red meat for republicans during his Iowa trip.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
In Iowa, Rand Paul previews 2016 campaign message amid dust-ups

By Ashley Killough, CNN

URBANDALE, Iowa (CNN) -- Rand Paul wears his political ambition for all to see. Look no further than the tie he sported during a three-day trip to Iowa. It had yellow images of corn, the crop that epitomizes politics in the first-in-the-nation caucus state.

"And by coincidence, I have one in the shape of South Carolina," the Kentucky Republican said Wednesday, drawing laughs.

He was speaking at a Republican breakfast outside Des Moines at Machine Shed, a Midwest restaurant chain where the waiters wear overalls and drinks are served in Mason jars.

As Paul blitzed across the Hawkeye State this week, holding events at Iowa GOP offices and campaigning for local candidates, he hardly played coy to the question of whether he was running for President. After all, his nine-city trip marked his fourth visit to the state since the 2012 election.

"I don't know why Iowa keeps popping up on my calendar, but it seems to be pretty frequent," he said Monday, clearly with sarcasm.

His itinerary this time included a campaign-style schedule where he continued testing his 2016 message on the road.

From reducing the federal deficit to defending civil liberties and reforming the criminal justice system, Paul mostly stayed on his talking points.

But the trip was not without controversy.


sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
my problem with hilary is that she's the same sold same old.. she brokered that secretary of state to pretty much push the U.S. imperialistic agenda forward. i don't think her campaign message would be anything similar to "hope and change," because it's obvious she'll do shit the same way as the US has done before.
The thing is the MSM which consists of all stations from Abc/Nbc/Cbs/Cnn/Msnbc will all glorify whoever the Democrat is. Many of the boobs only get their news from the big 3 Abc/Nbc/Cbs because they're the free stations that everyone gets. True lefties and righties prefer their Msnbc/Cnn and Fox but the extremely low info voters get there's from the former and those stations typically don't give coverage to the likes of a libertarian unless they're too big to ignore. And even then, it's slanted heavily toward the statist flavor.
This is true regarding the ideologies of the stations but I think enough of the population has access to cable that most can watch all the MSM stations. I think that liberals have a huge media advantage in any election and this causes them to get more of the vote then the ideology of the country would suggest.

you can't peg it all on the liberal media though. once the official election comes around, both candidates will get a shitload of exposure.. only problem is that the last 2 republicans to run were piss-poor candidates.

MSNBC appears to even like rand paul, at least a lot more than the other republican candidates. also, i don't think really has a strong leaning towards democrats for the election cycle. they just try to over-report on both sides.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 500
my problem with hilary is that she's the same sold same old.. she brokered that secretary of state to pretty much push the U.S. imperialistic agenda forward. i don't think her campaign message would be anything similar to "hope and change," because it's obvious she'll do shit the same way as the US has done before.
The thing is the MSM which consists of all stations from Abc/Nbc/Cbs/Cnn/Msnbc will all glorify whoever the Democrat is. Many of the boobs only get their news from the big 3 Abc/Nbc/Cbs because they're the free stations that everyone gets. True lefties and righties prefer their Msnbc/Cnn and Fox but the extremely low info voters get there's from the former and those stations typically don't give coverage to the likes of a libertarian unless they're too big to ignore. And even then, it's slanted heavily toward the statist flavor.
This is true regarding the ideologies of the stations but I think enough of the population has access to cable that most can watch all the MSM stations. I think that liberals have a huge media advantage in any election and this causes them to get more of the vote then the ideology of the country would suggest.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
chris christie has yet to recover from bridgegate.. funny how an event that happens 3ish years before the presidential election will pretty much ruin his chances.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) continues to struggle with his image in the state months after it was revealed that his aides intentionally created traffic gridlock near the George Washington Bridge to punish a mayor who had not supported Christie's re-election, a new Quinnipiac poll finds.

Forty-nine percent of New Jersey voters said they approve of the job Christie is doing as governor, while 47 percent disapprove. Respondents were split along party lines, with 86 percent of Republicans approving of Christie's job performance, compared with 47 percent of independents and only 23 percent of Democrats.

Christie's favorability rating is even, with 47 percent saying they have a favorable opinion of him and another 47 percent saying they have an unfavorable opinion. In November, 64 percent of respondents expressed a favorable opinion of Christie, and only 29 percent said they had an unfavorable opinion.

Opinions about Christie's personality in particular have soured. When asked whether they saw Christie as more of a bully or a leader, 48 percent of respondents said bully, while another 48 percent said leader. In a January Quinnipiac poll, conducted as information about the bridge scandal was first being released, 54 percent of respondents saw Christie more as a leader, while 40 percent saw him as a bully.
hero member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 504
I just had a sinister thought... This is way out there in tinfoil hat land, so don't take me too seriously here on this one!

What if Rand Paul is meant to win the Presidency in 2016? I mean, say the globalists are pushing him into power for the express purpose of collapsing the US economy while a Libertarian is holding office; they could then use the public sentiment and desperation to rebuild a socialist America undermining or destroying the US Constitution. Basically, they could pin everything on the Libertarians and the Constitution, then make the final push towards Socialism when the public support for a Constitutional system of government is at its weakest.

Lets face it, there's no way to save the US economy from a catastrophic collapse; the question is who they'll vilify when it does.

How crazy would that be?
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Fwiw, from a 2013 interview of Bloomberg:
If you’re an executive, can you really rule out running for president in 2016?

Yes. It’s just impossible. I am 100 percent convinced that you cannot in this country win an election unless you are the nominee of one of the two major parties. The second thing I am convinced of is that I could not get through the primary process with either party.

And, incidentally, I think I’ve got a better job than the president’s. He’s got a very tough Congress, and he’s removed from the day-to-day stuff. My job is the day-to-day stuff. That’s what I’m good at—or at least what I think I’m good at. [src]

Glad to see that, thank you. In both 2008 and 2012 Bloomberg made very clear statements about "thinking of running", and (by coincidence ?) it was at the same time that Ron Paul's fundraising and grass-roots momentum were at/near the peak.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
i really like rand's gameplan - it's far superior to anyone else's. if i had to bet on it, he's definitely coming out of the primaries out on top. seems like he's taking the centrist position, even before the primaries where he has to take an extremist position. in the meanwhile, he'll tell the GOP base that he has the best chances of winning, and it's either him or hilary. because of that, it gives hilary less ammunition to attack him during the presidential election.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) doesn't think the Republican Party can simply "flip" on the issue of same-sex marriage, but he does believe that it can be more tolerant of differing "opinions" ahead of the midterm elections.

The possible 2016 presidential contender made his remarks in a New York Times interview published on Thursday.

"The party can’t become the opposite of what it is," the libertarian-leaning senator said. "If you tell people from Alabama, Mississippi or Georgia, 'You know what, guys, we’ve been wrong, and we’re gonna be the pro-gay-marriage party,' they’re either gonna stay home or -- I mean, many of these people joined the Republican Party because of these social issues."

"So I don’t think we can completely flip. But can we become, to use the overused term, a bigger tent?" he added. "I think we can and can agree to disagree on a lot of these issues. I think the party will evolve. It’ll either continue to lose, or it’ll become a bigger place where there’s a mixture of opinions."
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sorry to see the Iowa trip isn't going better. It's not easy trying to be both principled and popular.
From the standards that we're used to seeing as far as Rand always being in tip top shape, I'm sure there's plenty of good things going on in his favor on this trip that either haven't been reported yet or are going on behind the scenes such as building or kindling key relationships w/ party officials and donors. However, w/ these pastors and their flocks it's the same thing every 4 years trying to hustle a libertarian message to them when all they care about is abortions, blindly backing Israel and banning gay marriage as the key issues. Lately, we've seen Rand in general election mode trying to make himself and his message more acceptable to blacks and independents but now he's reverted back to primary mode re-establishing himself as a conservative on certain things. I'm sure we all consider ourselves no-nonsense types of people, including my fellow ancaps, but sadly injecting libertarianism into politics w/ a demagoguing media awaiting to attack takes some skill if ya know what I mean.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
rand paul ducking the dreamer girl was pretty funny. it's not really a big issue, and maybe what he says is true, but it's pretty funny how he just gets up and leaves once the mexican girl is there  Cheesy
Yeah, I saw that but that last thing a politician wants to do is to do an 'interview' on someone else's terms. The dreamers were actually focused on Rep. King and if you watched that it was clearly an attack w/ a readied camera. She was 'asking' the Rep if he would tear up here driver's license iirc but he should've flipped it back on here and asked what would happen to him or someone similar if they'd been either born or residing in one of these other countries for a while. As in, they'd be deported or imprisoned in a heart beat upon discovery. My litmus test for these that flew under the radar would be if they've existed all this time and haven't used public handouts then they should get fast-tracked to citizenship if that's what they desired. Sadly, this is almost never the case.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Sorry to see the Iowa trip isn't going better. It's not easy trying to be both principled and popular.
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