Don't worry Grover, like I said, it requires a bit of Python experience to install this at this point.
mrlithium, you said you have successfully compiled a Windows executable, maybe you could help out our Windows users?
Here is the windows exe. Also, I can vouch for HIS code being clear of malicious intent, since I read it all. The exe is theoretically de-compilable (the source is extractable in binary somehow) but if you want to be extra careful about stuff, just run this program in a sandbox and block it from accessing any other websites other than * link above is the .exe of the version with "compress order-spam below 0.6 BTC", and "show Size and Total in BTC, not USD"
Also working on a
new version: is page 2: one Developer to another developer: I am trying to learn PyQT as I go since I never did it before. But so far I have come up with the shell of the GUI now I just need to hook the slots into it. Maybe we can work together? I have a _lot_ of code from my other project. One major thing as you can see from the screenshot is the "Authentication" tab. theres no reason to be looking at that everytime you trade. BUT what is a major flaw is the hardcoded "ffuuuuuu" ironic bit
You know what i mean. This has to be replaced by an actual user-generated one, that is Created through this new tab, and then verified with a dialog box when you launch the program. Maybe the process could work something like: On 1st launch = Create password before spawning QApplication, then theres no need to relaunch. Then everytime you load up you can choose to run in authenticated mode "Log In? Ebter your Password or Cancel"