Does anyone have a good working bfgminer.conf or CGminer.conf they wish to share for stock G-blades that'll work under Windows?
I am using just plain ".bat" file this...?
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u
YOURPASS --gridseed-options=baud=230400 --gridseed-options per_chip_stats=1, freq=838,chips=40 --hotplug 5
Hope it helps...
Thanks but it didn't work. What's the equivalent of that in BFGminer's .bat file?
I tried something similar,
(displayed later in this response), but it fails with "Unexpected extra command line argument".
This is my failing batch file with BFGminer in a Windows CMD prompt with the following in a .bat file:
bfgminer.exe -S noauto -S gridseed:all --gridseed-options=baud=115200,freq=838,chips=40,modules=1 –-hotplug=5 --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u testworker.1 -p 123 --failover-only -o stratum+tcp:// -u testworker.1 -p 123.
BFGminer doesn't like the
"--gridseed-options=baud=115200,freq=838,chips=40,modules=1 –-hotplug=5" portion. It fails & terminates with with "Unexpected extra command line argument".
But this works in a .bat file:
bfgminer.exe -S noauto -S gridseed:all --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u testworker.1 -p 123 --failover-only -o stratum+tcp:// -u testworker.1 -p 123. But this won't hash above 8MH/s.
My problem is that they don't go above 3.5MH/s with this string even though they are supposed to hit a minimum of 5.2MH/s. Not seeing this. Getting a top hashing of 6-7MH/s with both G-blades.
Under my Raspberry Pi Model-B I get 11-12Mh/s, minimal HW errors but the hashing on there last about 30 minutes before it all comes to a crawling 720KH/s. Needless to say which is why I'm trying this under windows 7 SP1 now. I tried getting them to work with Multiminer v3.2.2 but the best I got was also between 5-6MH/s.
So now I'm trying to get this to work from the Window CMD prompt.
Once I can past the basic stuff working stable, then I want to get to mod the crap out of these G-blades.
So that's why I was asking if I could get someone to display either their BFGminer.conf file, preferably under v4.2.0 or their CGminer.