hey all,
we have sold 100s of units so far and want to keep supporting the bitcoin community.
right now we have 30 units up for sale, let me be clear on how this group buy works
we need customers to list the amount of giants they want (
http://baikalminer.com/ShowProducts.asp?id=468 )
just reply to this thread
once we hit 30 the deal is over
get in fast.
either deposit to my sig address (and PM me TX ID)
or just hold your money until we get all 30 (please dont commit if you plan on spending coins, it will just stuff it up for the rest)
either way its fully refundable in the event that this deal doesnt happen
I had to pull major strings guys
this had a limit of 48 hours (yesterday) but I am extending it to 48 hours from this post
who: qty:
cptfisher: 3
Amph 1
ihong154 7
Longsnowsm 1
wlefever 3
charles2k 3
scavern 1
IvanDog 1
ayoungtech 2
DebitMe 1
lenart_o 4
camando 1
M1n0r 1
total: 34/30