Is there any guide/manual to make chainminer display more values?? I was hoping it displayed a full set of values: accepted, rejected, difficulty, etc, etc, just like cgminer or bfgminer but chainminer is extremely shy and doesn't provide nearly the same feedback when running manually.
Similary, is there any guide on how to set up/optimize stratum? I heard someone changed the real target parameter or something like that to achieve better results.
you can check difficulty by
>sudo su
>screen -ls
>screen -r
It should show the difficulty reported by stratum proxy
Thanks. I was able to take a snapshot of the stratum log and this is a sequence that repeats all the time. (None of the lines below seems to be displayed more often than the others, pretty much even distribution)
2013-09-09 03:21:02,852 INFO proxy getwork_listener._on_authorized # Worker 'worker1' asks for new work
2013-09-09 03:21:03,148 INFO proxy jobs.submit # Submitting XXXXX
2013-09-09 03:21:03,152 DEBUG proxy jobs.submit # Share is below expected target
2013-09-09 03:21:03,158 WARNING proxy getwork_listener._on_submit # [0ms] Share from 'worker1' accepted, diff 318
2013-09-09 03:21:03,186 INFO proxy jobs.submit # Submitting XXXXX
2013-09-09 03:21:03,191 DEBUG proxy jobs.submit # Share is below expected target
2013-09-09 03:21:03,198 WARNING proxy getwork_listener._on_submit # [0ms] Share from 'worker1' accepted, diff 318
2013-09-09 03:21:02,620 DEBUG protocol protocol.writeJsonRequest # < {"params": ["worker1", " XXX", "XXX", "XXX", "XXX"], "id": 423, "method": "mining.submit"}
Anything that seems suspicious/wrong??
Looks to me like too many warnings but would love to learn what each of those line means...