Installed Node.JS and now I have: Error StatusCode 403, when I start gunbot
bad credentials: copy pasted wrong api/secret buddy. It happens to me too, usually blank spaces at the end of the copy/paste etc.
Me too. Installed Node.JS and now I've got: Error StatusCode 403, when I start gunbot
Gunbot status : not running.
Please help. thank you
Installed Node.JS and now I have: Error StatusCode 403, when I start gunbot
bad credentials: copy pasted wrong api/secret buddy. It happens to me too, usually blank spaces at the end of the copy/paste etc.
Me too. Installed Node.JS and now I've got: Error StatusCode 403, when I start gunbot
Gunbot status : not running.
Please help. thank you
I also have error 403. Checked everything Gunthar suggests. Any1 knows how to fix?
Thank you!
statusCode 403
The bot is not connecting to the server. There are a couple potential issues.
API keys are wrong or missing.
After adjusting your config settings, you did not save those settings.
IP restriction set but you did not actually save your IP to the list