No, it was not what math calculated, don't bring math into this.
It was what you got from forcing math formulas with no basis.
Source code mathematics referenced below. I haven't forced anything, I didn't write the code
If you pick your timesets as you see fit you can come up with really amazing facts, let's have an example...
Bitcoin will NEVER REACH 100K /BTC.
And I can prove it with hashrate, furthermore, I will avoid the first years with the dramatic price increase and the years with no asic mining.
On the 1st of January 2015, we had a price of 750$ and a hashrate of 11PH.
On the 1st January 2020, we're sitting at 7000$ and a hashrate of 90 EH.
That's a growth of 10x in price and 9000x in hash rate.
So, using math to reach 100k we need an increase of ~15k times in hahrate...
That's math!!!!
Congrats on your mathematics! Price is also -60% since ATH while hash rate is up around 700% (8x)
I guess this also means by standard of simple mathematics that 16x hash rate would mean the price would be -120%?
So that's anything between a price of -$1,500 and +$100K. I think you need to work on your indicator, it's lacking utility
As you'll see below, the code uses "variables" and more than one equation
You see....math!
study("Hash Ribbons",overlay= false)
// The "Spring" is the confirmed Miner capitulation period:
// - The 1st "gray" circle is the start of Capitulation (1 month Hash Rate crosses UNDER 2 month Hash Rate)
// - Last "green" circle is the end of Capitulation (1 month Hash Rate crosses OVER 2 month Hash Rate)
// - The "greener" the spring gets (up until blue) represents Hash Rate recovery (it is increasing)
// - The "blue" circle is the first instance of positive momentum following recovery of Hash Rate (1m HR > 2m HR). This is historically a rewarding place to buy with limited downside.
type = input('Ribbons',options=['Ribbons','Oscillator'],title="Plot Type")
len_s = input(30,"Hash Rate Short SMA (days).")
len_l = input(60,"Hash Rate Long SMA (days).")
signals = input(true, "Plot Signals")
plot_halvings = input(true,"Plot Halvings")
raw = input(false, "Plot Raw Hash Rate")
// HR on TV only has "yesterday's" value --> use "lookahead_on" when running live (on current bar), to pull forward yesterdays data
live_HR_raw = security("QUANDL:BCHAIN/HRATE", "D", close,gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
live_HR_short = security("QUANDL:BCHAIN/HRATE", "D", sma(close,len_s),gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
live_HR_long = security("QUANDL:BCHAIN/HRATE", "D", sma(close,len_l),gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
hist_HR_raw = security("QUANDL:BCHAIN/HRATE", "D", close,gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_off)
hist_HR_short = security("QUANDL:BCHAIN/HRATE", "D", sma(close,len_s),gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_off)
hist_HR_long = security("QUANDL:BCHAIN/HRATE", "D", sma(close,len_l),gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_off)
daily_s10 = security(syminfo.tickerid, "D", sma(close,10),gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_off)
daily_s20 = security(syminfo.tickerid, "D", sma(close,20),gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_off)
is_newbar(res) =>
t = time(res) // res calculated below \/
change(t) != 0 ? true : false
// Check how many bars are in our upper (otf) timeframe
since_new_bar = barssince(is_newbar("D")) //1-360 for minutes, D = Daily, W = Weekly, M = Monthly
D_total_bars = int(na)
D_total_bars := since_new_bar == 0 ? since_new_bar[1] : D_total_bars[1] // calculates the total number of current time frame bars in the OTF
HR_short = float(na)
HR_long = float(na)
HR_raw = float(na)
s10 = float(na)
s20 = float(na)
HR_short := barstate.isrealtime ? live_HR_short : hist_HR_short
HR_long := barstate.isrealtime ? live_HR_long : hist_HR_long
HR_raw := barstate.isrealtime ? live_HR_raw : hist_HR_raw
s10 := barstate.isrealtime ? (since_new_bar == D_total_bars ? daily_s10 : s10[1]) : daily_s10
s20 := barstate.isrealtime ? (since_new_bar == D_total_bars ? daily_s20 : s20[1]) : daily_s20
capitulation = crossunder(HR_short,HR_long)
miner_capitulation = HR_shortrecovering = HR_short > HR_short[1] and HR_short > HR_short[2] and HR_short > HR_short[3] and miner_capitulation
recovered = crossover(HR_short,HR_long)
buy = false
buy := s10>s20
and (
(barssince(recovered) < barssince(crossunder(s10,s20)) and barssince(recovered) < barssince(capitulation))
or crossover(HR_short,HR_long)
buy_plot = buy and (buy[1] == false)
delta = HR_short-HR_long
diff = (delta/HR_short)*100
plot(raw ? HR_raw : na, color =, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_line, title='HR Raw')
p1=plot(type=='Ribbons'? HR_long : na, color = color.gray, linewidth = 2, style = plot.style_line,title='HR SMA Long')
p2=plot(type=='Ribbons'? HR_short : na, color = (HR_shortfill(p1,p2,color=(HR_short
plot(type=='Oscillator' ? diff : na,style=plot.style_columns,color=(diff<0?,title='Oscillator')
plotshape(signals ? capitulation :na,,,color=color.gray,size=size.normal,transp=50,text='Capitulation',,title='Capitulation')
plotshape(signals ? miner_capitulation : na,,,,size=size.normal,transp=90,title='Miner Capitulation')
plotshape(signals ? recovering : na,,,,size=size.normal,transp=50,title='Recovering')
plotshape(signals ? recovered : na,,,color=color.lime,size=size.normal,transp=0,textcolor=color.white,title='Recovered')
plotshape(signals ? buy_plot: na,,,,size=size.normal,transp=0,text="Buy",,title='Buy')
halving_1 = timestamp(2012,11,28,0,0)
halving_2 = timestamp(2016,7,9,0,0)
halving_3 = timestamp(2020,4,30,0,0) // projected!
h1_range = time >= halving_1 - 3*(24*60*60*1000) and time <= halving_1 + 3*(24*60*60*1000) //adds 3 day either side for chart visibility
h2_range = time >= halving_2 - 3*(24*60*60*1000) and time <= halving_2 + 3*(24*60*60*1000) //adds 3 day either side for chart visibility
h3_range = time >= halving_3 - 3*(24*60*60*1000) and time <= halving_3 + 3*(24*60*60*1000) //adds 3 day either side for chart visibility
bgcolor(h1_range and plot_halvings? : na, transp = 20)
bgcolor(h2_range and plot_halvings? : na, transp = 20)
bgcolor(h3_range and plot_halvings? : na, transp = 20)
alertcondition(capitulation, title='Alert - Capitulation')
alertcondition(recovered, title='Alert - Recovered')
alertcondition(buy and not(buy[1]), title='Alert - Buy')