my guess is they have serious issues with the board design.
I'm creeping towards refunding my USD purchase, especially if we don't see crap out of them first week of January. For my order, the machines may or may not be marginally profitable (a few thousand USD in a good case), depending on the MPP fulfillment, ultimate delivery date of the BJ and upgrade board, and assuming at least a modest BTC price rise.
I've got bigger fish to fry, other things to do in life than lose hair over those @ssholes.
The fight with Hashfast that does potentially interest me - earlier delivery of greater hashpower under the MPP - doesn't seem to be the one others want to take up.
The fight most people want to fight here is to "get my bitcoins back" via a BTC refund. I understand that. It's just not the fight for me.
No final decisions, though, for a little while.