Payment: 100% via BTC
I love this.
I have the same line, too.
Also, unit price is explicitely specified in BTC, like this:
xx.xxxxxxx BTC [$x,xxx USD)
Shipping is specified in USD.
Total is xx.xxxxx BTC [$X,XXX USD]
Payment: 100% via BTC
(TOS in received confirmation, from late August.)
All of the 550 Baby Jet units from Hashfast's first production batch are guaranteed for delivery by December 31, 2013. If Buyer ordered one or more units of such Baby Jets, and Hashfast does not deliver such units by that date, then Buyer may cancel the undelivered portion of the order at Buyer's request and Hashfast will refund the payment for the units that Buyer purchased but did not receive and cancelled.
No word here about any kind of conversion or rates or exchanges or anything like that. They will refund the payment, and that's all.
And payment was xx.xxxx BTC, so...