I'm talking about the sierra. Yes, the chip level heat to be dissipated will be lower, but there will be around 1000W of heat anyway in there. Having the units in a real datacenter will help a lot, but anyway, putting the radiators where they are makes no sense at all.
Another point? Instead of using 2 big radiators, as CT does, you use 3, one per chip. In other words, even if there was the space, you can't fit a 4th board in a sierra case.
I personally am planning on stripping my machines and putting them in cases of my own design. If I could get my order as parts a week earlier (by not shipping Canada and then back to the US)... that would be just fine with me.
Sure, even having the boards 1 day earlier would make it worth... Something tells me that it's not gonna happen, anyway.
HF, if you are listening, just ship me boards, do it a few days before (hell, you have them there, ready!) and we will be fine... I will have something to do under christmas.