Hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are not going to get a refund of "exact amount of coins". Prices were in USD, invoices in USD, all advertising in USD. If you get a refund it will be in USD. If you want that refund paid in BTC (instead of say a bank wire) it will be at the exchange rate of the day. The only way you are getting exact coins back is if by some small miracle the exchange rate crashes back to the same one it was on the day you paid.
You don't have to believe me, and don't attack the messenger. You can hold out hope and wait for Hashfast to contradict me but that contradiction isn't coming.
I don't think this is correct. When I visited HF last week John specifically mentioned that refunds would be done in the currency it was paid in at the amount paid in at the time of the order. So if you paid 50 BTC you will get back 50 BTC.
LOL and you believe they will act as it was anounced just verbally to a third person? so if yes start to try it and the others will follow immediately.