CIARA is working exclusively with HashFast. The competition will have to find another industry-leading goliath with logistic experience second to none.
I don't believe that. How is it that you got Ciara to tie their own hands and agree not to do business with any other manufacturer of crypto hardware (I'm assuming that's what you mean by "competition")? I call bullshit. If your agreement really were exclusive, there would be a statement by Ciara to that effect. I can find no such statement, and of course there was no official joint press-release.
That ridiculous "box of fans" you posted, should've gotten you guys shot by now. It's an insult to everyones' intelligence. With that, and as with so many other things, you people talk a good game, but you still lack proof. So toss it up. Prove to us that this agreement which you claim is exclusive, is indeed so. Lest you look like more of the idiot that I've previously called you out to be.
You have no intelligence to insult.
You are so full of shit I'm surprised nobody has buried you by now.
Nobody cares what you do or don't believe, because you are too stupid to do a simple fact check before accusing others of lying.
Was typing 'CIARA HASHFAST EXCLUSIVE' into Google too difficult, IE an insurmountable challenge for your retarded abilities?
Next time RTFT and get a clue before pulling the Internet Tough Guy act, so you don't get your ignorant whining face torn off again.
Big News! HashFast Signs Exclusive Deal with CIARA TechnologiesPosted on October 11, 2013 is a huge deal. We’ve just signed an
exclusive agreement with Montreal’s acclaimed CIARA Technologies to build the mining rigs that will house our GN chip once it’s been fabricated by the TSMC foundry. CIARA has been an industry leader in the design and manufacture of high-end supercomputers for over 25 years, and getting them to build the Baby Jet, the Sierra and future machines means that we’ve got one of the most respected box builders in the business. Of particular note to our miners, CIARA is a world-record breaker for single and double overclocked processors — in fact, they’ve got an entire department dedicated to overclocked CPUs. If there was one company capable of building the machines that can handle the power of HashFast’s 28nm chip, it’s CIARA. And now that we’ve signed the deal, they’ll
exclusively produce mining rigs for HashFast.
But this isn’t just about power. We’ll be shipping our Baby Jets directly from CIARA’s massive 576,000 sq. ft. headquarters in Montreal. There are few manufacturers in the world that have the incredible capacity to build and ship mining rigs with the speed CIARA does. What’s more, CIARA is a C-TPAT registered company, which means no delays at US or Canadian customs.
We know how valuable time is for miners, and that you’re all counting down to shipment. So are we. The CIARA deal not only means we’ve got the best partner in the business, it means you’ll be getting your Baby Jets and Sierras — and whatever comes next — as soon as possible.
It's funny because you thought you were being a mighty White Knight of Pure Truth & Justice, calling out the villainous lies of evil-doers, but made a complete fool of yourself instead.