Well, when it comes to having funds for the family, it is something that for me is very untouchable, and one should not even imagine having those funds to play in a casino, it is totally irresponsible, it is clear that people Those who are almost there and pass this limit because things don't work out well because basically things tend to be very persuasive and when they spend that money, then they get into worse problems, because a family has to be responded to, then the A person who has to choose to look for someone who can pay him off with a loan or something so that he can resolve his economic emergency, but again, a person who does that is totally irresponsible, and yes, it falls within the parameters of madness.
In my opinion, using family funds for gambling is an excessive action, because if it's like that then the perpetrators will be even more emboldened to use other funds that they shouldn't use for gambling which will only result in them continuing to run out of money, because what you say is true. Actions like this are very irresponsible, because they involve other people with their addiction problems. They dare to take this action because the gambling they are doing is not going well, but it is also because they themselves are the ones who reacted wrongly to gambling.
Gamblers who do crazy things, such as using family funds to gamble or taking out loans to gamble, usually do this when they have run out of money. but when they do crazy actions like this just for gambling then obviously they will only get worse problems, and also that is a step towards the destruction of life, I myself do gambling but I don't want to experience that. therefore I don't want to lose self-control when gambling. Play gambling appropriately, don't let gambling play on us.