Just testing I like your response and now I honestly am curious what your mascot will be
Follow up question: I see your model being viable but what is your return incentive.
If your company sells a product to trade bitcoins with other people face to face, then what is to stop them from trading with the same people after a successful trade the first time they use the service. By using the services that you have provided they can do another trade and lower their own personal costs by trading with the same person again, basically I am asking if the models core user-base will be constantly required to add new users and how your company would plan to address this type of scenario. Or if you consider the ability of sellers constantly looking for new customers to be an incentive to keep an account over the long run.
That aside, I do see the viability of taking a one time upfront fee to use the service in order to access your database of users but I am curious on how you plan on expanding that built up userbase without needing to talk specifics about the execution strategy over the longer duration.
These are good questions freedomno1.
While it is true that 2 people meeting on the site may decide to stay in direct contact with one another, we must take into consideration the fact that a particular dealer may not always have the best buy/sell prices at all times. Imagine when a dealer is running out of BTC, his/her sell price would not be low. Similarly if a dealer expects a market slump or a correction, he/she may not wish to offer a high purchase price during that period. Not all dealers run out of BTC at the same time; not all dealers have the same market forecast...
So as far as regular members are concerned, it will always be in their best interest to place an order on the site (free of charge) to make sure they always get the best prices from all the dealers. IMO most members will want to do so. There is a strong incentive for dealers to continue paying for our services if they wish to continue receiving offers from members with whom they have dealt with in the past and from those with whom they haven't.
Furthermore, as more people realize the benefits of using bitcoin, more people will join our site. Since we are still in the early stages of bitcoin, I expect a regular stream of new members from all corners of the world for a long while