I thought the asic chip drove difficulty up so high on btc that the price had to rise due to cost of producing?
That's a misconception, and it's more likely the opposite is true. If the Bitcoin price was 1/10th as much as it is right now, chances are we wouldn't see network growth nearly as rapid due to associated energy costs. A higher BTC/Fiat value gives miners a greater incentive to do what they do. Manufacturers don't care what the network difficulty or BTC/Fiat price is so long as they can meet demand.
As far as Litecoin goes, there are two major drawbacks to how it's viewed, which tie into one another:
1) It's primarily an arbitrage medium. Many Scrypt miners convert whatever they've made back into Bitcoin. For decent sized farms like ScryptX that sell everything they make back into BTC, that may contribute to a declining altcoin value.
2) Litecoin isn't nearly as widely accepted as Bitcoin. Until Litecoin can be used in everyday transactions, or at least garner some positive media attention, the exchange rate will continue to fluctuate to what's largely a niche crowd.