I don't deny the possibility of some sort of being that created the universe and I can't disprove that. Religious gods on the other hand are always garbage.
Given the length of this exchange a summary of what we have discussed so far is warranted.
Upthread I highlighted how we can mathematically deduce The Incompleteness of the universe and logically conclude that whatever is outside the universe must be boundless, immaterial, indivisible and an uncaused cause.
I next highlighted how religious thought specifically monotheism conceptualises God and how this conceptualisation is consistent with what we can mathematically deduce.
I also demonstrated how traditional Biblical writings on the timeline of creation and origins of mankind can in fact be reconciled with modern scientific thought.
I reviewed the limitations of reason in understanding infinity and the fact that our understanding of God must necessarily be a massive oversimplification. God can never truly be grasped through our mind as our mind is time-bound.
Finally I noted the importance of truly drilling down to the foundations of ones metaphysical assumptions and how failure to do so was ceding control of ones actions, beliefs and thoughts to external forces.
At this point you asked to start the conversation over again.
We returned to the logic that allows us to mathematically deduce the incompleteness of the universe and reviewed it in greater depth reducing that logic down to its three primary assumptions. These assumptions are reasonable and currently not disprovable. I invited you try.
Finally I outlined how one could make the case for God using an entirely empirical argument. You have chosen to ignore this argument.
Now it appears you are returning to attempts to challenge the existence of God by challenging the consistency of traditional holy texts. I have already demonstrated how traditional biblical writings on the timeline of creation and origins of mankind can in fact be reconciled with modern scientific thought and in response you appear have shifted your focus of criticism of the story of Adam and Eve.
Please clarify what exactly in biblical account of Adam and Eve are you objecting and why you feel this objection disproves God.
Why do you feel that humanity's flaws are evidence against an omniscient and omnipotent creator?