
Topic: Health and Religion - page 60. (Read 210871 times)

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
November 15, 2017, 05:05:18 AM
Astargath upthread you challenged Perry Marshals argument on the applicability of applying "Godel's incompleteness theorem to systems beyond mathematics.

His essay can be found here:
The #1 Mathematical Discovery of the 20th Century

Specifically you asked.

"And how do you know Perry Marshal is right? "
"How did you determine that what he said is right?"

You then go on to challenge his use of the word coherence and quoted a couple of half hearted challenges to Perry Marshal's logic.

Clearly you could use your a little help here so I will give you a hand. It is indeed possible to challenge the logic behind Perry Marshal's essay but you have to use actual logic to do so.

Sometimes you can still find a rational and logical atheist. John Gould over at Quora appears to be such an atheist and he appears to understand logic. If you truly want to understand how to challenge Perry Marshal's argument consider taking the time to understand his challenge.ödels-incompleteness-theorem-applied-to-the-universe-prove-the-existence-of-God

What John Gould shows is that Godel's incompleteness theorem can also lead to a second possibility that deity is an undisprovable falsehood.

This juxtaposition of necessary truth versus undisprovable falsehood may be as far as logic can ever take us if the universe is indeed incomplete. It is possible that logic can only show us that it is coherent and logical to believe in God. To actually internalize and live by that logic requires faith.

My own opinion is that this fundamental bifurcation this necessity for faith persists as we climb towards perfection. Perhaps there will always be a need for faith and this fundamental spiritual struggle scales in difficulty matching future growth in intellect and ability.

This persistent need for faith as we grow closer to perfection may also be the answer to your question above.  Why might a being approaching perfection throw that perfection away? Said being may simply have lost faith.

In regards to your questioning the word coherence and how to ultimately determine right or truth. These are very deep topics.

There are several philosophical theories of truth. The most known are the correspondence theory of truth, the pragmatic theories of truth, and the coherence theory of truth since you are interested in coherence I recommend reading up on this third theory.

A brief summary of these theories can be found here.

Truth, Theories of
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 14, 2017, 09:10:41 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.

Holy shit you are dense, aren't you? DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PERFECT? OH WAIT, I JUST FUCKING QUOTED IT, LET ME QUOTE IT AGAIN ''definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement'' Do you understand what this means? BEYOND improvement? A perfect being wouldn't have lack of experience you dumbfuck, he wouldn't make mistakes, otherwise he wouldn't be fucking perfect.

How in the world dense are you? A perfect clock doesn't have any experience. Yet it is perfect, and possibly perfect in a way that it will never become imperfect.

So why do you think experience has anything to do with perfection? Your definition doesn't have anything to do with improving or not improving, having experience or lack of experience.

What's the matter with you? You provide a definition that doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about. And you don't even realize it it. Your density reaches even beyond the gravity of that other thread.


If you are perfect you don't need experience because that would mean that experience would make you better therefore you WOULDN'T BE PERFECT IF EXPERIENCE CAN MAKE YOU BETTER.

Except for one little detail. When Adam and Eve got their experience, it made them imperfect. How is imperfect better? But you. You have the knowledge of their experience to fall back on. And you still don't want perfection. What? Are you after more experience?


Do you know you keep saying the same thing? Let me break it down for you so it's easier to understand.
1. You are claiming Adam and Eve were perfect
2. You claim they made a mistake (Eating the fruit and disobeying god) which you claim made them imperfect

Here is the problem, you are defining a perfect being as someone who is able to make mistakes and transforms itself into an imperfect being. Maybe your definition of perfection is different than mine so I would like to read your definition because otherwise we talk in circles here.

For me a perfect being means someone who wont make mistakes, otherwise why would I call him perfect?

Let's say you have a gun. Nothing wrong with having a gun. Can use it for target practice, hunting, and protection.

Can also shoot yourself in the foot. Foot wounds never really heal up correctly, especially if they are bad ones. Wouldn't want to do it. But can do it. Freedom. Choice. Perfection of ability, and of foot

Foot is in perfect shape until you shoot it. Not so perfect after you do. You learn your lesson after you do. But foot never perfect again.

If a friend warns you not to do it ahead of time, you don't need to gain the experience. But if you shoot, perfection lost.


If you are perfect you can't lose perfection otherwise you are not perfect to begin with, again just give me your definition of perfect, this is pointless. Someone perfect wouldn't shoot himself.

If you are perfect, and don't have the ability to throw perfection away, you are a robot without a will. You are missing out on part of perfection.


I'm not talking about the ability to throw away your perfection, you can have that but why would a perfect being use it?

At the time of the Judgment, God just might answer that question for us clearly... before he sends us to the place we have asked for... Heaven or Hell.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
November 14, 2017, 02:09:44 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.

Holy shit you are dense, aren't you? DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PERFECT? OH WAIT, I JUST FUCKING QUOTED IT, LET ME QUOTE IT AGAIN ''definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement'' Do you understand what this means? BEYOND improvement? A perfect being wouldn't have lack of experience you dumbfuck, he wouldn't make mistakes, otherwise he wouldn't be fucking perfect.

How in the world dense are you? A perfect clock doesn't have any experience. Yet it is perfect, and possibly perfect in a way that it will never become imperfect.

So why do you think experience has anything to do with perfection? Your definition doesn't have anything to do with improving or not improving, having experience or lack of experience.

What's the matter with you? You provide a definition that doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about. And you don't even realize it it. Your density reaches even beyond the gravity of that other thread.


If you are perfect you don't need experience because that would mean that experience would make you better therefore you WOULDN'T BE PERFECT IF EXPERIENCE CAN MAKE YOU BETTER.

Except for one little detail. When Adam and Eve got their experience, it made them imperfect. How is imperfect better? But you. You have the knowledge of their experience to fall back on. And you still don't want perfection. What? Are you after more experience?


Do you know you keep saying the same thing? Let me break it down for you so it's easier to understand.
1. You are claiming Adam and Eve were perfect
2. You claim they made a mistake (Eating the fruit and disobeying god) which you claim made them imperfect

Here is the problem, you are defining a perfect being as someone who is able to make mistakes and transforms itself into an imperfect being. Maybe your definition of perfection is different than mine so I would like to read your definition because otherwise we talk in circles here.

For me a perfect being means someone who wont make mistakes, otherwise why would I call him perfect?

Let's say you have a gun. Nothing wrong with having a gun. Can use it for target practice, hunting, and protection.

Can also shoot yourself in the foot. Foot wounds never really heal up correctly, especially if they are bad ones. Wouldn't want to do it. But can do it. Freedom. Choice. Perfection of ability, and of foot

Foot is in perfect shape until you shoot it. Not so perfect after you do. You learn your lesson after you do. But foot never perfect again.

If a friend warns you not to do it ahead of time, you don't need to gain the experience. But if you shoot, perfection lost.


If you are perfect you can't lose perfection otherwise you are not perfect to begin with, again just give me your definition of perfect, this is pointless. Someone perfect wouldn't shoot himself.

If you are perfect, and don't have the ability to throw perfection away, you are a robot without a will. You are missing out on part of perfection.


I'm not talking about the ability to throw away your perfection, you can have that but why would a perfect being use it?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 14, 2017, 01:18:14 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.

Holy shit you are dense, aren't you? DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PERFECT? OH WAIT, I JUST FUCKING QUOTED IT, LET ME QUOTE IT AGAIN ''definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement'' Do you understand what this means? BEYOND improvement? A perfect being wouldn't have lack of experience you dumbfuck, he wouldn't make mistakes, otherwise he wouldn't be fucking perfect.

How in the world dense are you? A perfect clock doesn't have any experience. Yet it is perfect, and possibly perfect in a way that it will never become imperfect.

So why do you think experience has anything to do with perfection? Your definition doesn't have anything to do with improving or not improving, having experience or lack of experience.

What's the matter with you? You provide a definition that doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about. And you don't even realize it it. Your density reaches even beyond the gravity of that other thread.


If you are perfect you don't need experience because that would mean that experience would make you better therefore you WOULDN'T BE PERFECT IF EXPERIENCE CAN MAKE YOU BETTER.

Except for one little detail. When Adam and Eve got their experience, it made them imperfect. How is imperfect better? But you. You have the knowledge of their experience to fall back on. And you still don't want perfection. What? Are you after more experience?


Do you know you keep saying the same thing? Let me break it down for you so it's easier to understand.
1. You are claiming Adam and Eve were perfect
2. You claim they made a mistake (Eating the fruit and disobeying god) which you claim made them imperfect

Here is the problem, you are defining a perfect being as someone who is able to make mistakes and transforms itself into an imperfect being. Maybe your definition of perfection is different than mine so I would like to read your definition because otherwise we talk in circles here.

For me a perfect being means someone who wont make mistakes, otherwise why would I call him perfect?

Let's say you have a gun. Nothing wrong with having a gun. Can use it for target practice, hunting, and protection.

Can also shoot yourself in the foot. Foot wounds never really heal up correctly, especially if they are bad ones. Wouldn't want to do it. But can do it. Freedom. Choice. Perfection of ability, and of foot

Foot is in perfect shape until you shoot it. Not so perfect after you do. You learn your lesson after you do. But foot never perfect again.

If a friend warns you not to do it ahead of time, you don't need to gain the experience. But if you shoot, perfection lost.


If you are perfect you can't lose perfection otherwise you are not perfect to begin with, again just give me your definition of perfect, this is pointless. Someone perfect wouldn't shoot himself.

If you are perfect, and don't have the ability to throw perfection away, you are a robot without a will. You are missing out on part of perfection.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
November 14, 2017, 12:59:28 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.

Holy shit you are dense, aren't you? DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PERFECT? OH WAIT, I JUST FUCKING QUOTED IT, LET ME QUOTE IT AGAIN ''definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement'' Do you understand what this means? BEYOND improvement? A perfect being wouldn't have lack of experience you dumbfuck, he wouldn't make mistakes, otherwise he wouldn't be fucking perfect.

How in the world dense are you? A perfect clock doesn't have any experience. Yet it is perfect, and possibly perfect in a way that it will never become imperfect.

So why do you think experience has anything to do with perfection? Your definition doesn't have anything to do with improving or not improving, having experience or lack of experience.

What's the matter with you? You provide a definition that doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about. And you don't even realize it it. Your density reaches even beyond the gravity of that other thread.


If you are perfect you don't need experience because that would mean that experience would make you better therefore you WOULDN'T BE PERFECT IF EXPERIENCE CAN MAKE YOU BETTER.

Except for one little detail. When Adam and Eve got their experience, it made them imperfect. How is imperfect better? But you. You have the knowledge of their experience to fall back on. And you still don't want perfection. What? Are you after more experience?


Do you know you keep saying the same thing? Let me break it down for you so it's easier to understand.
1. You are claiming Adam and Eve were perfect
2. You claim they made a mistake (Eating the fruit and disobeying god) which you claim made them imperfect

Here is the problem, you are defining a perfect being as someone who is able to make mistakes and transforms itself into an imperfect being. Maybe your definition of perfection is different than mine so I would like to read your definition because otherwise we talk in circles here.

For me a perfect being means someone who wont make mistakes, otherwise why would I call him perfect?

Let's say you have a gun. Nothing wrong with having a gun. Can use it for target practice, hunting, and protection.

Can also shoot yourself in the foot. Foot wounds never really heal up correctly, especially if they are bad ones. Wouldn't want to do it. But can do it. Freedom. Choice. Perfection of ability, and of foot

Foot is in perfect shape until you shoot it. Not so perfect after you do. You learn your lesson after you do. But foot never perfect again.

If a friend warns you not to do it ahead of time, you don't need to gain the experience. But if you shoot, perfection lost.


If you are perfect you can't lose perfection otherwise you are not perfect to begin with, again just give me your definition of perfect, this is pointless. Someone perfect wouldn't shoot himself.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 14, 2017, 11:58:34 AM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.

Holy shit you are dense, aren't you? DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PERFECT? OH WAIT, I JUST FUCKING QUOTED IT, LET ME QUOTE IT AGAIN ''definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement'' Do you understand what this means? BEYOND improvement? A perfect being wouldn't have lack of experience you dumbfuck, he wouldn't make mistakes, otherwise he wouldn't be fucking perfect.

How in the world dense are you? A perfect clock doesn't have any experience. Yet it is perfect, and possibly perfect in a way that it will never become imperfect.

So why do you think experience has anything to do with perfection? Your definition doesn't have anything to do with improving or not improving, having experience or lack of experience.

What's the matter with you? You provide a definition that doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about. And you don't even realize it it. Your density reaches even beyond the gravity of that other thread.


If you are perfect you don't need experience because that would mean that experience would make you better therefore you WOULDN'T BE PERFECT IF EXPERIENCE CAN MAKE YOU BETTER.

Except for one little detail. When Adam and Eve got their experience, it made them imperfect. How is imperfect better? But you. You have the knowledge of their experience to fall back on. And you still don't want perfection. What? Are you after more experience?


Do you know you keep saying the same thing? Let me break it down for you so it's easier to understand.
1. You are claiming Adam and Eve were perfect
2. You claim they made a mistake (Eating the fruit and disobeying god) which you claim made them imperfect

Here is the problem, you are defining a perfect being as someone who is able to make mistakes and transforms itself into an imperfect being. Maybe your definition of perfection is different than mine so I would like to read your definition because otherwise we talk in circles here.

For me a perfect being means someone who wont make mistakes, otherwise why would I call him perfect?

Let's say you have a gun. Nothing wrong with having a gun. Can use it for target practice, hunting, and protection.

Can also shoot yourself in the foot. Foot wounds never really heal up correctly, especially if they are bad ones. Wouldn't want to do it. But can do it. Freedom. Choice. Perfection of ability, and of foot

Foot is in perfect shape until you shoot it. Not so perfect after you do. You learn your lesson after you do. But foot never perfect again.

If a friend warns you not to do it ahead of time, you don't need to gain the experience. But if you shoot, perfection lost.

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
November 14, 2017, 09:16:34 AM
The Journal of Religion and Health is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal published by Springer Science+Business media.
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
November 14, 2017, 07:27:25 AM
Can't argee. What abot Stephen Hokking?
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
November 14, 2017, 07:24:52 AM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.

Holy shit you are dense, aren't you? DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PERFECT? OH WAIT, I JUST FUCKING QUOTED IT, LET ME QUOTE IT AGAIN ''definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement'' Do you understand what this means? BEYOND improvement? A perfect being wouldn't have lack of experience you dumbfuck, he wouldn't make mistakes, otherwise he wouldn't be fucking perfect.

How in the world dense are you? A perfect clock doesn't have any experience. Yet it is perfect, and possibly perfect in a way that it will never become imperfect.

So why do you think experience has anything to do with perfection? Your definition doesn't have anything to do with improving or not improving, having experience or lack of experience.

What's the matter with you? You provide a definition that doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about. And you don't even realize it it. Your density reaches even beyond the gravity of that other thread.


If you are perfect you don't need experience because that would mean that experience would make you better therefore you WOULDN'T BE PERFECT IF EXPERIENCE CAN MAKE YOU BETTER.

Except for one little detail. When Adam and Eve got their experience, it made them imperfect. How is imperfect better? But you. You have the knowledge of their experience to fall back on. And you still don't want perfection. What? Are you after more experience?


Do you know you keep saying the same thing? Let me break it down for you so it's easier to understand.
1. You are claiming Adam and Eve were perfect
2. You claim they made a mistake (Eating the fruit and disobeying god) which you claim made them imperfect

Here is the problem, you are defining a perfect being as someone who is able to make mistakes and transforms itself into an imperfect being. Maybe your definition of perfection is different than mine so I would like to read your definition because otherwise we talk in circles here.

For me a perfect being means someone who wont make mistakes, otherwise why would I call him perfect?
hero member
Activity: 636
Merit: 505
November 14, 2017, 03:58:27 AM
Crying is very therapeutic and helps one to get in touch with emotions. Trance music helped me to connect with my emotions; you can find a lot of "uplifting trance" music as well as "chillout music" for this purpose.

I think we could find videos that show that laughing is even better. I sure hope that Astargath finds God so that he can be laughing for eternity, rather than crying.

Did you ever try laughter yoga? I have experimented with some techniques, like one from Osho: raise both hands in the air and shout "YAHOO"! He recommends doing this for 3 hours.

You can also consider using "Plant Teachers":

Nutmeg Space Paste: "Exactly Like Pot", and it contains several of these Top 10 Herbs. I recommend using applesauce instead of maple syrup in the recipe.

Psychedelic researcher Rick Doblin... said that the study cast "a considerable doubt on the assertion that mystical experiences catalyzed by drugs are in any way inferior to non-drug mystical experiences in both their immediate content and long-term effects".[33] This sentiment was echoed by psychiatrist William A. Richards, who in a 2007 review stated "[psychedelic] mushroom use may constitute one technology for evoking revelatory experiences that are similar, if not identical, to those that occur through so-called spontaneous alterations of brain chemistry."[34]

In a 14-month followup, the researchers found that 94% of the volunteers rated their experiences with the drug as one of the top five most spiritually significant of their lives (44% said it was the single most significant). None of the 90 sessions that took place throughout the study were rated as decreasing well-being or life satisfaction. Moreover, 89% reported positive changes in their behaviors as a result of the experiences. The conditions of the experimental design included a single drug experience a month, on a couch, in a living-room-like setting, with eye shades and carefully chosen music (classical and world music). As an additional precaution to guide the experience, as with the 2006 study, the 2011 study included a "monitor" or "guide" whom the volunteers supposedly trusted.

Basic summary of the entheogen experience:

Japanese companies hire people to make staff cry--It is supposed to help people bond
"Japanese are not used to crying in front of people. But once you cry in front of others, the environment will change, particularly in a business."
The idea is to show off your vulnerability - when others see that, it's supposed to bring people together so they work better as a team.
The whole premise of Hiroki's business is the idea that Japanese people don't cry enough. I wonder if this is a stereotype, but most of today's attendees seem to agree.
"But I know that after you cry and let people see your vulnerability, you can get along even better with people which is also good for the company. It creates a better working environment and people get along better."
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 14, 2017, 02:20:55 AM
Crying is very therapeutic and helps one to get in touch with emotions. Trance music helped me to connect with my emotions; you can find a lot of "uplifting trance" music as well as "chillout music" for this purpose.

I think we could find videos that show that laughing is even better. I sure hope that Astargath finds God so that he can be laughing for eternity, rather than crying.

hero member
Activity: 636
Merit: 505
November 14, 2017, 01:57:22 AM
Crying is very therapeutic and helps one to get in touch with emotions. Trance music helped me to connect with my emotions; you can find a lot of "uplifting trance" music as well as "chillout music" for this purpose.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 13, 2017, 09:39:42 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.

Holy shit you are dense, aren't you? DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PERFECT? OH WAIT, I JUST FUCKING QUOTED IT, LET ME QUOTE IT AGAIN ''definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement'' Do you understand what this means? BEYOND improvement? A perfect being wouldn't have lack of experience you dumbfuck, he wouldn't make mistakes, otherwise he wouldn't be fucking perfect.

How in the world dense are you? A perfect clock doesn't have any experience. Yet it is perfect, and possibly perfect in a way that it will never become imperfect.

So why do you think experience has anything to do with perfection? Your definition doesn't have anything to do with improving or not improving, having experience or lack of experience.

What's the matter with you? You provide a definition that doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about. And you don't even realize it it. Your density reaches even beyond the gravity of that other thread.


If you are perfect you don't need experience because that would mean that experience would make you better therefore you WOULDN'T BE PERFECT IF EXPERIENCE CAN MAKE YOU BETTER.

Except for one little detail. When Adam and Eve got their experience, it made them imperfect. How is imperfect better? But you. You have the knowledge of their experience to fall back on. And you still don't want perfection. What? Are you after more experience?

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
November 13, 2017, 09:11:56 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.

Holy shit you are dense, aren't you? DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PERFECT? OH WAIT, I JUST FUCKING QUOTED IT, LET ME QUOTE IT AGAIN ''definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement'' Do you understand what this means? BEYOND improvement? A perfect being wouldn't have lack of experience you dumbfuck, he wouldn't make mistakes, otherwise he wouldn't be fucking perfect.

How in the world dense are you? A perfect clock doesn't have any experience. Yet it is perfect, and possibly perfect in a way that it will never become imperfect.

So why do you think experience has anything to do with perfection? Your definition doesn't have anything to do with improving or not improving, having experience or lack of experience.

What's the matter with you? You provide a definition that doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about. And you don't even realize it it. Your density reaches even beyond the gravity of that other thread.


If you are perfect you don't need experience because that would mean that experience would make you better therefore you WOULDN'T BE PERFECT IF EXPERIENCE CAN MAKE YOU BETTER.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 13, 2017, 08:53:51 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.

Holy shit you are dense, aren't you? DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PERFECT? OH WAIT, I JUST FUCKING QUOTED IT, LET ME QUOTE IT AGAIN ''definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement'' Do you understand what this means? BEYOND improvement? A perfect being wouldn't have lack of experience you dumbfuck, he wouldn't make mistakes, otherwise he wouldn't be fucking perfect.

How in the world dense are you? A perfect clock doesn't have any experience. Yet it is perfect, and possibly perfect in a way that it will never become imperfect.

So why do you think experience has anything to do with perfection? Your definition doesn't have anything to do with improving or not improving, having experience or lack of experience.

What's the matter with you? You provide a definition that doesn't have anything to do with what we are talking about. And you don't even realize it it. Your density reaches even beyond the gravity of that other thread.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
November 13, 2017, 08:45:22 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.

Holy shit you are dense, aren't you? DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF PERFECT? OH WAIT, I JUST FUCKING QUOTED IT, LET ME QUOTE IT AGAIN ''definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement'' Do you understand what this means? BEYOND improvement? A perfect being wouldn't have lack of experience you dumbfuck, he wouldn't make mistakes, otherwise he wouldn't be fucking perfect.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 13, 2017, 08:39:32 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.

When they put true, perfect AI in the car, and give it the choice to make itself imperfect, then your example will have something to do with what we are talking about.


EDIT: Lack of experience.
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
November 13, 2017, 08:35:13 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

Please, stop. You can't say, this car is perfect but when it stops working it wont be perfect anymore. That would mean the car wasn't perfect to begin with. If you are perfect, even if you have the ability to do stupid things like becoming imperfect you wouldn't do it BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECT, WHY WOULD A PERFECT BEING CHOOSE TO BECOME IMPERFECT ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?

You are making my eyes bleed, stop.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 13, 2017, 08:25:56 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.

Being perfect involves not only having the ability to become imperfect, but also the not-using of this ability. And that is what Adam and Eve were before they used their ability and became imperfect. At the exact instant that they used their ability to become imperfect, their imperfection started. Before that they were still perfect, because they chose to not become imperfect even though they had that ability all along.

You are not a perfect being, but you are choosing to remain imperfect and go to Hell. You can choose otherwise, because God opened up the agreement to you, to His salvation by your accepting of Jesus.

As I said, you are judging perfection from an imperfect standpoint.

God is love. Love of God is most important. People were given a touch of God. God loves people as He loves Himself. In that love, He does what is good for them - offers them a way back into perfection. But also, in that love, God gives them Hell if that is what they want. What do you want?

The people don't know about the agreement until they find out about it. They don't make the agreement with God until they make it. Look up simple contract law. There must be a meeting of the minds before there can be a contract (agreement). If the people don't know, they won't have a meeting of the minds. The simple fact that God in His wisdom knows ahead of time who those people of the agreement will be, doesn't make the agreement to already have been consummated.

Look at yourself, for example. (It seems) you haven't made the salvation agreement with God, yet. If you haven't, God still knows whether or not you will. If you will, that doesn't mean you have done it, yet. How can God give you salvation when you are not agreeing to it? Agree to it, and be saved.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
November 13, 2017, 07:53:38 PM
Are you saying god can't make perfect people? Then why call him a god?
God made perfect people... Adam and Eve.

''So, He has devised a plan whereby he will get perfect people that don't have a hint of evil in them. He will let all people live for a short while - maybe 100 years or less - in their evil''

Why would an omniscient god need to wait if he already knows who is going to be evil and who is not, can't you see the stupidity in your sentence?
Wait for what? Didn't you even read what I said? ALL people are evil, and God knows it. God is waiting for people to be born so He can make a Heaven-agreement with as many as are willing.

''During that time He will find those people who want to be made into good and perfect people''

An omniscient god doesn't need to find anything he already knows, just stop already, you are stupid.
That's right. But the people need to find God so that they can make an agreement with Him... or not.

You fail to understand even a little the greatness of God, and the greatness to which He is bringing His people. God is bringing people into God-ness. How in the world stupid are you trying to proclaim yourself to be? God doesn't coerce God. God doesn't want to coerce God. In other words, God has essentially made us in so great of a way that we have enough God-like qualities in us that He "can't" always tell exactly where we as individuals stand in our minds and spirits way down deep.

God is making perfect people. He made them when He made Adam and Eve. Part of perfection is the ability to choose anything, even to become imperfect. And that is what they chose. We would do the same. So why go through the trouble of making us all perfect from scratch? We are that deep, way down inside of ourselves.

I have made my Heaven-agreement with God. I did it by accepting Jesus-salvation. I will be made perfect withouit evil in the new universe. If you don't want to be made perfect, good ridance, because you and your evil won't be there. But if you want perfection and loss fo all evil, make your agreement with God for Jesus-salvation before it is too late for you, and you are locked into your evil by death... where you won't be able to make any more decisions.


Not really? Why would that be part of perfection? If you can become imperfect then you are not perfect, perfect doesn't mean to have the ability to do anything. In fact the definition is: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement, meaning that it can't get any better, going from perfect to imperfect is stupid and makes no sense, a perfect being wouldn't pick to go to hell and wouldn't pick to be imperfect. If Adam and Eve were perfect they wouldn't have committed a sin and made whole humanity suffer, it's clear they were not perfect. God doesn't need to wait for anyone to be born, he can simply create more people, in fact he could create an infinite amount of people so I don't see the point of your comment there. People don't need to find God because he already knows who would make the agreement with him and who wouldn't, so again he wouldn't need to wait on anything. Your logic is flawed, quit saying stupid shit and go to bed.
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