It's probably true that religion makes people happy because it gives you an alternative for death however, it's an illusion, you will eventually die and there will be no heaven, no after life, no purpose, no meaning just emptiness, that's life, nothing special, we really are just something that happened and there is no purpose. Knowing this reality is not going to do any good for anyone's happiness but regardless of feelings is still the truth.
Nihilism (from the Latin nihil, nothing) is a philosophical doctrine that suggests the lack of belief in one or more reputedly meaningful aspects of life. Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism, which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.
What you have embraced here XinXan is the philosophy of nihilism. It is one of the most dangerous and toxic of the philosophical dead ends precisely because it it's so unhealthy and so difficult to escape once accepted.
I was never a nihilist so I am not the best person to help those with this particular condition. Bruce Charlton was a former nihilist so I would recommend reading his comments on nihilism I posted immediately above.
Nihilism locks you into noncooperation and is ultimately a barrier to freedom. I illustrated how this occurs in my posts on the prisoners dilemma immediately above. For the nihilist betrayal is the only logical action in prisoners dilemma. The Nash equilibrium becomes destiny.
Humans are by and large emotional and rational creatures. To truly achieve our potential, however, we need to elevate our nature and become superrational. Humanity must solve the prisoners dilemma and the ethical flaw it highlights.
There are two ways to limit the fallout from a prisoners dilemma type problem. The first and best way is to make the actors superrational instead of rational. This is very hard as it requires one to fundamentally elevate the nature of the participants.
Thus most of the the time we pursue simpler stopgap solutions to lock rational players into a metagame which alters short term decision making. In the case of the prisoners dilemma you introduce the crime syndicate on the outside that punishes those who talk.
The stopgap measures work for a time (sometimes a long time) but are vulnerable to being undermined as the fundamental problem (flawed participants) remains. In the case of the prisoners dilemma the crime syndicates may lose power or a witness protection program may be offered.
Since this is a bitcoin forum it should be noted that decentralized ledgers are this second stopgap type of solution. Self interest and greed are leveraged into support for an algorithm that introduces decentralized computational enforced transparency and verification. This limits the ability defect via abuse of seigniorage or debasement or forgery.
Stopgap measures can work but are vulnerable. In the case of a decentralized ledger the weakness is at the developer level where attempts can be made to seize control of the protocol via controlling future changes and updates. This is exactly where the attacks on bitcoin will and are occurring.
The world is not going to become superrational in the timeframe needed to deal with our imploding financial system. Thus stopgap measures are necessary. Fortunately it looks like decentralized ledgers are arriving just in time to provide the needed emergency relief.
I believe transparency is the fundamental advance of our time as I noted in the table below.
Cycles of Contention
| | Cycle #1 | Cycle #2 | Cycle #3 | Cycle #4 | Cycle #5 | Cycle #6 |
| Mechanism of Control | Knowledge of Evil | Warlordism | Holy War | Usury | Universal Surveillance | Hedonism |
| Rulers | The Strong | Despots | God Kings/Monarchs | Capitalists | Oligarchs (NWO) | Decentralized Government |
| Life of the Ruled | "Nasty, Brutish, Short" | Slaves | Surfs | Debtors | Basic Income Recipients | Knowledge Workers |
| Facilitated Advance | Knowledge of Good | Commerce | Rule of Law | Growth | Transparency | Ascesis |
Ultimately the rational individuals set themselves on a path towards destruction just as rational nations do who abandon superrationality and descend into stealing and power vacuums. The most successful may succeed for a generation or two if they are top dog but they have locked themselves into a prisoners prisoners dilemma which can lead only to their distruction at the hands of someone more powerful or their taking the role of local top dog of a sinking ship eventually finding themselves utterly uncompetitive in an age that rewards cooperation.
All knowledge traces back ultimately to certain apriori truths. The knowledge that life has meaning and purpose follows from the apriori truth of God.
If you deny the infinite you must choose different almost always nihilistic assumptions. These will obviously lead you to different and usually toxic conclusions.
Religion is a the only functional superrationality protocol. It maximizes superrationality and thus positive societal outcomes. It is the only force that enables suspension of defect-defect equilibrium like the prisoners dilemma or the power vacuum. When a superrationality protocol is abandoned (widespread rejection of religion) the gradual vice of ever increasing defection sets in and the countdown towards destruction of the society commences.
Paradoxically enough, the release of initiative and enterprise made possible by popular self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within. Again and again after freedom has brought opportunity and some degree of plenty, the competent become selfish, luxury-loving and complacent, the incompetent and the unfortunate grow envious and covetous, and all three groups turn aside from the hard road of freedom to worship the Golden Calf of economic security.
The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more."
It is moral degradation that leads to bondage for it is moral strengthening that allows free and strong societies to be built in the first place.
This is why
Ethical Monotheism is so important and the reason why so much that is good in the world came from the west.
Without it we are reduced to merely rational actors. We become desperate prisoners who cannot escape the Nash equilibrium of defection and betrayal.