We have ~every government in the world saying that coronavirus is infecting and killing its people. This is including governments that are effectively enemies with each other.
I understand the argument that one government might be dishonest with the situation and that some governments might be puppets of another government, but this is not the case with every government.
Governments don't say anything. Only people say things.
Get the people on the stand in court with proof. Otherwise it is government hearsay.
EDIT: You have repeated about a 'la, la, la' test. And I remember you talking about it at least twice. Since there wasn't any test question involved, or enough explanation regarding what the test was about (if there really was a test), I answer it right here, in this edit.
the test was simple. you quoted that people should follow a certain path of doing something in court because thats what karl lentz did. then you linked a video as your reference.
i pointed out the case did not go karls way because of the tactic you thought and promoted
the whole "stand aas a man and ask for the accuser to stand"
the actual thing that happened was behind the part where karl lentz 'la la la'd over.
which even month later and many prompts for you to research. you have failed to even try.
so really go try to find out what is behind the 'la la la' enlighten yourself and have a lightbulb moment
also court is not the only way to find legitimacy. proper research is.
do you know that many are falsely found guilty and those who actually do a crime get away with it in court.
if you actually learned and researched what happens in a real court room you would learn wiser methods and not just believe karl lent' 'hearsay' version
now go find that bit of information karl Lentz 'la la la's over.. it only took me 2 minutes. and its now quite weir how you have spent months trying to avoid breaking away from the cult
I can understand how you don't want to waste your day looking for the post(s) with the info that you are talking about, but I didn't intentionally post something like that. However, as I have said (probably in response to that post), anybody can lose now and again, even Karl Lentz.
So, if you want to make your own day, find that post and that video, and let's have at it.