So far, all the threats of CORONAVIRUS pandemic are simply hearsay. Lets get some court-of-law proof before we wreck the nations of the world for nothing.
It's not for 'no reason'. It's the largely staged excuse to cover the implosion of the USD world reserve currency, and likely what little is left of the U.S. as a nation. Makes room for a new order.
It's pretty much over, boys. Better to move on if you are a former American. America was 'the big prize' and most of the nano-thermite was used on it's core columns. Even if 'the violent among them will stumble', the U.S. will still collapse because it was priority #1.
Some of us have a good understanding of what the United States was about, and even a little bit of a recollection of the trailing end of it's promise when some vestiges of our values could still be observed. It might be possible to bring some of these values to a tiny part of a different country, but it's also likely that all other 'nations' will get sucked into the same black hole.
It's also possible that there will be an opportunity to rejuvenate the U.S. to a degree. Maybe in 42 months from ?/?/? (where ?/?/? may or may not be last Friday the 13th.)
Thank you.
The point is, when we get down to the basics of Coronavirus, we see that everything we know about it is HEARSAY.
We don't know that we aren't being tricked into believing something that is entirely false.
If it went to court in the USA, you could get both kinds of adjudications. Some courts would say that there is nothing behind CV, and other courts would say the CV is real.
Ultimately way more people will die from attempts at protection from CV, than would die if there were no protection attempts at all!