The fork kicks in at Block 150k and will reduce yearly stake rate from 2017% to 17% in addition to ending Proof-of-Work
Steps to update (New, more efficient database structure):
- Download wallet
- Run wallet for sync, close when finished syncing
- Copy wallet.dat from Roaming/HealthyWormCoin to Roaming/HealthyWorm
- Windows: Launch WORM with rescan.bat
- Linux: Launch WORM with ./HealthyWorm -rescan
There are several design issues currently, but it will function properly
Uses new data folder: Roaming/HealthyWorm or */.HealthyWorm
This update will require a full resync in addition to a full rename to HealthyWorm
NOTES: Yes, this is an incomplete UI update. I have been too busy with the actual Superworm farm to finish the new face and will continue to work on it as often as I can. The reason I am posting this now is because the fork kicks in at block 150k and I want to give people enough time to update to the new system before that. More updates soon will be posted on the YouTube channel