Update on heatpool fee structure and some other rules:I was stunned earlier today to see that the forging pool success is huge, with a current total stake just surpassing the 1M HEAT line! While I enjoy the enthusiasm, I must say that this makes it highly complicated to use my manual calculations on a day to day basis, as per day more than 100 blocks will be forged and the API does not even go beyond those 100 blocks (I use the API currently for a query in Excel). At the same time I also want to state that while I wanted to keep my pool free, I actually want to take a part of this back by installing a progressive fee structure to cover my efforts during the day (which are higher than anticipated), as well as to encourage big holders perhaps also to start creating a HEAT node of their own to improve the overall network stability AND also by getting some more donations towards the HEAT lottery which should serve as an additional driver to create your own node for staking. There is a great guide on heatnodes.org which can be used for this one, on a cheap VPS with Linux.
So without further ado, find below my updated fee structure for the heatpool, based on the amount of HEAT per holder (effective immediately for new lessors; current lessors remain free for their remaining leasing period):
- <10K HEAT: 0% (free)
- Between 10k and 25k: 0.5% for me as pool owner, 0.25% towards the HEAT node lottery
- Between 25k and 50k: 1% for me as pool owner, 0.5% towards the HEAT node lottery
- Above 50k: 1.5% for me as pool owner, 0.5% towards the HEAT node lottery
Some additional rules I would like to install from now on (effective immediately)
- Rewards payouts should be requested not more often than once per week. Your cumulative rewards are included in your stake in the calculation, so no need to do more regular payouts
- Please do not ask for reward payouts if there is hardly anything to payout, which I consider everything below 5 HEAT
- As mentioned in my earlier instructions, I will only process the payout upon your request in the heatwallet
- For a leasing period, don't use anything below 10000 blocks as it won't bring you much + I have a challenge in notifying those due to my manual daily check.
I hope you all understand the rationale behind this update