
Topic: ████ HEAVILY TRADED ████ Rapecoin ████ Proof of rape / Scrypt N / DGW ████ - page 7. (Read 19836 times)

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the positive rap coin that's not about rape because rape is bad and rap isn't

You might not know this but.........

rap is bad  Angryjust like any kind of other music. All those Hollywood musicians are devil-worshippers. Look up the terms 'music illuminati'   'music exposed'  'music satanism'  'music blood sacrifice' 'music selling soul to devil' etc.
Yes they perform plenty of human sacrifices (without and outside the music industry) - I think I don't need to name them as you will all know about suspicious deaths blamed on drugs, suicide etc.

A very interesting interview from Napoleon about sPac and his previous life.

Activity: 73
Merit: 10
I like tits #1

I knew that Smiley

And it's at least one single positive aspect remaining of this coin, lol.
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Activity: 238
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Activity: 73
Merit: 10
The idea is absolutely sick. I will never mine a coin with such an irreverent marketing strategy.

The only positive thing about this coin is that one can finally see boobies.

Honestly: Get a life or at least trade your design skills which are quite awesome for any other coin you like.

Just my 2 cents (and absolutely NOT these coins)...
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1195
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Activity: 238
Merit: 100
already over 1000 rap-e fans following rap-ecoin on twitter that's 500 per tweet.
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Activity: 238
Merit: 100
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Activity: 238
Merit: 100
disgusting copy&paste coins which don't add anything of benefit to the crypto community.
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Activity: 238
Merit: 100
coinyewest is now officially supporting rap-ecoin, the positive rap coin that's not about rape.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1011
Monero Evangelist
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Activity: 238
Merit: 100
you certainly meant this very positive image which is about rap and not about rape:
full member
Activity: 238
Merit: 100
every coin should have some kind of mascot. that's why i created rapeeh, the very positive rap-dog who's crazy about rap (not rape). below a picture. let me know what you think.

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I'll sign the petition
Rape awareness coin is very important

Haha, something tells me you're exactly the right man to start this petition.
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Anyone actually trying to contest the idea of this being for the needs of rape victims is a fucking idiot autist.
Obviously this guy is trolling, I understand you guys are upset over the creation of this coin, but do you really
need to contest stuff like this? It's pretty fucking obvious that OP isn't being serious in their posting of that.
You guys are pretty retarded.

he created a poll to whether it should be released due to the controversy..cos he is trying to raise awareness..

RapeCoin - because you can't say no to this coin. Pretty sure he's just trolling.

Well with MemeCoins comes TrollCoins, you must know that, unless you are new to the internet.

You dont know how much I thought about releaseing a real troll coin. Really hype it, and launch it with all the pomp and circumstance of a big coin. And then when ppl start mining it, it has a 0 coin block reward. rofl

Doo it

Won't somebody just check the source code or whatever for this beforehand?
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1195
Yeah, rape was much better. I am disappointed.

Let's start a petition to get it changed back.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1011
Monero Evangelist
Yeah, rape was much better. I am disappointed.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1195

What is RapCoin?
RapCoin is an innovative 3rd generation cryptocurrency, especially designed for the needs of rap music fans.

How big is the potential of RapCoin?
In the USA alone, every 2 seconds somebody is listening to rap music. Yet still nobody came up with a cryptocurrency for the special needs of this target group although 80% of rap music fans are 30 years or younger = a young, technology-affine target audience. RapCoin is here to bring a change into the undercryptocurrencized rap scene. It finally provides rap fans with a cryptocurrency that addresses their special needs.

I preferred rapecoin tbh.
global moderator
Activity: 4018
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I can see this coin is going from bad to worse Cheesy

A coin went from a serious sexual assault to rap music and that was worse?

it was never meant to be serious hilariousandco.

I never said it was.
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