HVAC is complicated, there's a reason why companies specialize in providing this service. If you don't mind wiring a bit you might consider hooking a high CFM shuttered fan to a thermostat, install it in a window and block off the excess space. Then pull in cool air from the house, circulate it in the room and set it to vent only above a certain temp. Downside is that unless insulated well you might pour warm air into the house causing the AC to run more, otherwise you are venting your AC air however. Neither is ideal.
Possibly the best would be hook up a swamp cooler to a window, blow cooler air over your rigs, then vent out opposite window. Not too expensive, electrically not too bad, keep the rest of the house separate. Only downside is if you are in a humid climate it won't work and can make excess moisture an electrical worry.
Honestly unless you live somewhere ridiculous, just cross venting with high CFM fans is the best.
This is what I was thinking. Any suggestions? Could u suggest a high cfm fan and where would u put the fan. I'd rather not go to an evap cooler just yet.
I think you've got the right idea. Even if you did put it in your shed, you could put the system in an insulated housing, and use and exhaust fan system to circulate the cooler air from the outside through.
As somebody mentioned, make sure your cool air intake is at the lower portion of the case/housing and the heat exhaust is out the top.
Also, if you're going to be running the ducting anyway, lose the box fans, and condense your housing down. Install 1-2 of these in your exhaust ducting.
http://www.use-enco.com/CGI/INSRIT?PMAKA=325-7358&cm_mmc=Didit-_-SEM-_-GglProd-_-GglProd&003=18299132&010=325-7358&{copy:002}&{copy:004}&{copy:005}&10=325-7358&gclid=CN3sxp3wi7cCFYx_Qgodr2IAKAThis will be far more efficient for the airflow and will ensure that your box fans don't create a positive pressure in the box that could actually hinder cool air from being streamlined THROUGH the system, and rather just creates a funky little vortex of dead airspace in the ducting, trapping most of the head inside your housing.
Use the fans DESIGNED for this type of work, and you'll be happier overall.
Also, if you only have one window to use two halves of for your ducting, make sure to put an elbow that points down on the intake, and a stack to exhaust the hot air up a few inches, so that you're not just recirculating the same hot air back in.
I would avoid a swamp cooler, as humidity and electronics are mortal enemies.
Also, I would put a lot of thought into how you're going to direct airflow THROUGH the system, making the air pass completely through the first level, and then moving up to the second level; orienting components so that they get the best airflow through them, and so that the airflow works with any individual component fans that might be in the system. No offense, but looking at your existing setup, it looks like very little thought was put into how to route the airflow, and instead, a random fan was just pointed anywhere it might be able to fit...
Another option would be to do a water-cooling setup, with a radiator routed outside.