I am back from the holiday weekend where I did not get much done due to family stuff
However it is a normal business day here in New York today and I am back at my regular business schedule
Todays Agenda 10/09/2012:
- Shipping off a couple ModMiner Quad's (some purchased and one that was won by litebit in our weekly giveaway)
- Customer Service (I answer emails first and then PM's)
- Getting the power turned on at the new shop - where we will be processing the bASICs and shipping them out from
- Finding out from the web dev's when our new site will launch (and the big news release that will come with it)
If you need customer service it is much better to email me then PM. Although I love this forum I really don't enjoy the PM system here.
On weekends I work limited hours so you can expect 1-2 days wait on email responses on weekends
During the week I work a very long work day (about 12-14 hours) so during business days you can expect a response that very same day unless I am really backed up or something but normally you will get a response the same day. PM's are the lowest priority and I basically answer them whenever I get a chance to. Although you can catch me on IRC most every day on FreeNode #btcfpga, or you can just call me any day from 10am-10pm EST @ 315-514-0269 - if I don't answer please leave a message and I will call you back. I don't return calls that do not leave messages.
Thank you and have a great day!