
Topic: Hillary conducted official State business on her private e-mail account — ALL - page 2. (Read 8872 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Hillary Clinton Aides Reportedly Emailed Her From Personal Accounts

Hillary Clinton’s top aides used their personal email accounts to correspond with her about the attack in Benghazi while she was Secretary of State, the New York Times reported Monday.

That detail comes after Clinton, earlier this month, held a news conference to address questions about her use of her personal email account to conduct official business while she was in office. During that event, she said “vast majority of my work emails went to government employees at their government addresses, which meant they were captured and preserved immediately on the system at the State Department.”

Critics said the likely presidential contender’s use of her personal email account may prevent official records from becoming public. Clinton’s email was run from its own server out of her New York state home, and she has said that she deleted thousands of emails she deemed personal.

About 300 emails have been turned over to the Congressional committee investigating the Benghazi attack, the New York Times reported. Some of those emails, according to people who saw them and described them to the Times, showed Clinton and her staff reacting as the Obama administration’s explanation of what happened in Benghazi changed from a “spontaneous” attack – as then-United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice called it – to a planned act of terrorism.

Jake Sullivan, Clinton’s foreign policy adviser, kept her updated on the developments, the Times reported:
Two weeks after that first email assessing Ms. Rice’s appearance, Mr. Sullivan sent Mrs. Clinton a very different email. This time, he appeared to reassure the secretary of state that she had avoided the problems Ms. Rice was confronting. He told Mrs. Clinton that he had reviewed her public remarks since the attack and that she had avoided the language that had landed Ms. Rice in trouble.

“You never said ‘spontaneous’ or characterized their motivations,” Mr. Sullivan wrote.

Benghazi Timeline

About 10:00 p.m.: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issues a statement confirming that one State official was killed in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Her statement, which MSNBC posted at 10:32 p.m., made reference to the anti-Muslim video.
Clinton: Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

WaPo: Clintons seen in Haiti as exploiters, elites

When the scandal first broke about the Clinton Foundation taking millions from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, Clinton apologists took an end-justifies-the-means defense. Sure, the foundation took $500,000 from Algeria without notifying the State Department, but it went to Haiti to help the poor! Why would anyone object to helping the poor, after all?

According to the Washington Post’s Kevin Sullivan and Rosalind Helderman, many Haitians would challenge the premise of that defense. In fact, they see the Clintons as “part of the elite class who are operating to exploit the Haitian people,” and not without reason:

Controversy surrounding the Clintons only deepened with the recent revelation, contained in an upcoming book by Peter Schweizer, that Tony Rodham — Hillary Clinton’s younger brother — serves on the advisory board of a U.S.-based company that in 2012 won one of Haiti’s first two gold-mining permits in 50 years. After objection from the Haitian Senate, the permits have been placed on hold.

The Clintons come in with one hand to help out, and with another to help themselves, in other words. There aren’t too many ways to exploit a nation more clearly than to take its gold out its ground for the benefit of politically connected outsiders. It’s also not the first time Tony Rodham has been connected to attempts to exploit his sister’s political connections for his own benefit. Rodham’s Gulf Coast Funds participated in GreenTech Automotive, which Terry McAuliffe ran, and which came under scrutiny for its connection to Alejandro Mayorkas and an alleged corruption of investor-visa applications.

The Haitians are less than impressed with the Clintons and their high-profile projects:

The country has long had a fraught relationship with foreigners who come to invest and provide aid. Haitians often regard them with gratitude for desperately needed resources and, at the same time, with suspicion that their motives are more to make a profit in Haiti than to help it.

Nevertheless, the Clintons are facing a growing backlash that too little has been accomplished in the past five years and that some of the most high-profile projects they have backed — including a just-opened Marriott, another luxury hotel and the industrial park — have helped foreign investors and Haiti’s wealthy elites more than its poor.

“Bill Clinton is a good guy and well-intentioned, but the people here don’t think so — they think he’s here making money,” said Leslie Voltaire, a former government official who worked with Clinton on post-earthquake reconstruction. “There is a lot of resentment about Clinton here. People have not seen results. . . . They say that Clinton used Haiti.”

In January, Haitian expatriates picketed the Clinton Foundation’s New York headquarters, demanding to know why more progress has not been made with the billions in international aid pledged after the quake.

The Post’s reporters paint a nuanced picture of the Clintons’ efforts in Haiti. There have been success stories as well, attempts to harness market forces to produce charitable ends, some of which have panned out. Others have been less successful, but seem to have been an honest attempt to create more opportunity. It’s worth the time to read the entire report to grasp both the scope of the effort and the scope of the despair in Haiti, 20 years after Bill Clinton ordered American forces to Port-au-Prince to reverse a coup.

The focus on building high-end luxury hotels, and especially to get Haiti’s gold into Tony Rodham’s pockets, looks like something else entirely.  Those projects appear ready made to both burnish the Clintons’ standing with the “elites” by catering to them at the expense of ordinary Haitians, and in the case of the gold, to burnish a few family bank accounts along the way. Sullivan and Helderman explore this latter effort in more detail separately:

Tony Rodham’s involvement with the mine, which has become a source of controversy in Haiti because of concern about potential environmental damage and the belief that the project will primarily benefit foreign investors, was first revealed in publicity about an upcoming book on the Clintons by author Peter Schweizer.

In interviews with The Washington Post, both Rodham and the chief executive of Delaware-based VCS Mining said they were introduced at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative — an offshoot of the Clinton Foundation that critics have long alleged invites a blurring of its charitable mission with the business interests of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their corporate donors.

Asked whether he attends CGI meetings to explore personal business opportunities, Rodham responded, “No, I go to see old friends. But you never know what can happen.”

Well, literally, thanks to Hillary’s choice of e-mail systems. This kind of commingling of interests is why the Clinton Foundation and especially its CGI offshoot is a much bigger problem for Hillary in the long run than the e-mail scandal, which is bad enough and potentially connected to the Foundation. (How many of those 32,000 “private” e-mails discussed CGI business?) Both scandals, though, point to one overriding conclusion about the Clintons expressed this morning by Ron Fournier:

Indeed. In fact, Hillary all but explicitly stated that in her press conference last week, claiming that her “convenience” trumped the law and communications security. The Haitians have learned it the hard way. Hopefully, Americans will recall when we learned it the hard way, too, fifteen years ago.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Haitians Protest Outside Of Hillary Clinton’s Office In NYC Over ‘Billions Stolen’ By Clinton Foundation

Good for them, although I bet the MSM will keep a lid on this outside of what niche conservative outlets report on. Having immigrant blacks protesting her is bad mojo and it would make national headlines in the MSM had it been nearly any other person. The Clintons are so evil and yet so many ignorant and willfully blind people follow them like lemmings. Any attack on their history or legacy are just those evil republican types and people close their eyes to the facts. Part of what is wrong with this country. And, shame on all the women out there that are these same types just because they want a democrat female to run the US.


 Roll Eyes

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Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Just send your cash, it´s most convenient to steal.

WASHINGTON — Former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton began a new venture on Saturday to raise money for the Haitian relief effort from corporations, foundations and ordinary Americans, as President Obama pledged to ramp up the American response to the devastating earthquake.

“I know a lot of people want to send blankets or water,” Mr. Bush said. But he reiterated what the relief organizations have been saying for days. “Just send your cash.” He promised that he and Mr. Clinton would “make sure your money is spent wisely.”

Published: January 16, 2010
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Haitians Protest Outside Of Hillary Clinton’s Office In NYC Over ‘Billions Stolen’ By Clinton Foundation

Good for them, although I bet the MSM will keep a lid on this outside of what niche conservative outlets report on. Having immigrant blacks protesting her is bad mojo and it would make national headlines in the MSM had it been nearly any other person. The Clintons are so evil and yet so many ignorant and willfully blind people follow them like lemmings. Any attack on their history or legacy are just those evil republican types and people close their eyes to the facts. Part of what is wrong with this country. And, shame on all the women out there that are these same types just because they want a democrat female to run the US.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Haitians Protest Outside Of Hillary Clinton’s Office In NYC Over ‘Billions Stolen’ By Clinton Foundation

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Was Hillary Clinton running her own rogue intel operation?

We all know that the only reason you would deliberately and premeditatedly set up a private email address and server is to have total control over your communications — to keep people away from those communications and to retain the ability to edit and delete your content.

In Hillary Clinton’s case, given her long history of concealment and duplicity, total control was the system’s purpose, not to keep track of Chelsea’s bridal gift registry.

A story originally reported in 2013 (and little-noticed at the time) may offer a deeper dimension to the reasons she wanted this control — and it leaves us with many new, unanswered questions.

First, a step back: In order to understand this Hillary scandal, you must understand her pattern in past scandals. And you must understand the man at the center of so many of them: Sidney Blumenthal.

Mr. Blumenthal is the Clintons’ longtime and fiercely loyal political hit man. He orchestrated many of the sleaziest attacks on Clinton opponents, including smearing Monica Lewinsky as a “stalker” at Mrs. Clinton’s request. His mastery of the dark arts was so notorious that it may have been the reason Mr. Obama pointedly denied Mrs. Clinton’s request to appoint him to a special, official role in her State Department.

But Mrs. Clinton has never been one to take “no” for an answer. It now appears that despite Mr. Obama’s order, Mr. Blumenthal may have still served Mrs. Clinton’s political and policy needs, but in a shadowy, non-official capacity.

Mr. Blumenthal apparently sent numerous emails to Mrs. Clinton immediately after the Benghazi attack on Sept. 11, 2012. Those emails were hacked allegedly by the hacker Guccifer (whom some claim is actually Romanian intelligence) in March 2013.

Guccifer released a screenshot of what it claimed is Mrs. Clinton’s private email inbox, chock-full of emails from Mr. Blumenthal to her [email protected] address. The website Gawker then published the screenshot, complete with subject lines and dates of the Blumenthal emails. Gawker noticed that Mrs. Clinton was using a private account and alerted the State Department.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Ed Klein: Obama Knew and Cautioned Hillary About Private Email Use (VIDEO)

Author Edward “Ed” Klein joined Steve Malzberg on NewsMax TV Tuesday to discuss his New York Post piece on Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

According to Klein Obama knew about and cautioned Hillary Clinton about her private email server.

“According to my sources, and we’re talking about the State Department, White House and Clinton sources, three separate sources. The President of the United States was, number one, was aware she was using a private server, a private email, and either he or his people told her and warned her not to. So that is a lie. Not true, that he was kind of vaguely aware of… They said you got to be using the government server. She didn’t… They (Obama and Jarrett) do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Nixon tried to get rid of evidence and was forced to resign, yet Hillary will probably win 2016 just because people want a woman president wither she fits the qualifications or not.

People want someone who represents their ideal the closest. Hillary is the perfect candidate for the democrats then...


full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 100
I'm nothing without GOD
Nixon tried to get rid of evidence and was forced to resign, yet Hillary will probably win 2016 just because people want a woman president wither she fits the qualifications or not.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
I think I heard about the terminology of "planned tampering with evidence" in relation to this episode. Judge Napolitano was just talking about it on Fox News. The amount of disdain I have for the Clintons knows no boundaries. I really hope karma bites them in the ass for all the dirty stuff they've done and continue to do.

6 months from now the press will push the "Old news! No one cares anymore!" propaganda machine...

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
I think I heard about the terminology of "planned tampering with evidence" in relation to this episode. Judge Napolitano was just talking about it on Fox News. The amount of disdain I have for the Clintons knows no boundaries. I really hope karma bites them in the ass for all the dirty stuff they've done and continue to do.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

State Dept. Says They Have No Record Of Clinton Signing Separation Form

Yes. She is...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Report: Did A Spam Filtering Service Have Access To All Hillary’s Emails?

Not often do we break news on Dvorak News but today we do. Hillary Clinton used a spam filtering service MxLogic to filter her spam and viruses. What this means is – employees at MxLogic, now owned by McAfee – had full access to all her classified state department email in unencrypted form.

Here’s the MX records for 7200 IN MX 10 7200 IN MX 10

I’m Marc Perkel – I’m an email expert and I run a competing spam filtering service Junk Email Filter. (yes – I’m jealous) So I know how email system work. Email from the Internet is routed by DNS records called MX records what are used to look up where to deliver email destined for a recipient. When someone uses a Spam Filtering service they point their MX records to that service and all email for that domain goes to the spam filtering service first – they clean it – and forward the good email on to the recipient server which is secret to the world.

Internet —–> MxLogic ——> Hillary’s Server

What this means is that when Obama or anyone in the State Department emailed Hillary, the email went to MxLogic. It was then decrypted, checked for spam and viruses, and then reencrypted and sent over the open internet to Hillary’s server. While it was at MxLogic it could be read, tapped, archived, or forwarded to anyone in the world without anyone knowing.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Oops: James Carville admits Hillary wanted to avoid congressional oversight

“I suspect she didn’t want Louie Gohmert rifling through her emails, which seems to me to be a kind of reasonable position for someone to take,” he said. “It amounts to — just like everything else before it, it amounts to nothing but a bunch of people flapping their jaws about nothing.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

CBS: Never Has a Secretary Set up a Home Server to Pick Emails to Release and Destroy The Rest

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Obama Determined to Defeat Hillary…Valerie Jarrett Launches 6 Investigations of Her

Noted veteran journalist Ed Klein is revealing the results of his recent investigation.  Klein is fresh of his Number 1 best seller “Blood Feud” that chronicles the feud between Obama and the Clintons.  The ironic thing is that both Bill and Hillary worked hard on Obama’s reelection with the understanding he would back her in 2016.  They have learned what America already knew.  Obama cannot be trusted.  Apparently, Obama is so serious about it that he has had his top adviser, Valerie Jarrett working almost full time, finding fault with Clinton’s time at the State Department.

Klein says that the White House leaked Hillary’s email story to the New York Times.  Klein was unable to find out if Jarrett was directly responsible for that leak.  He also noted that Jarrett has been having secret meetings with Elizabeth Warren and Martin O’Malley, two democrats who have expressed a desire to run for the democratic nomination for president.  Klein claims that Obama is pressing for a hardcore leftist to continue his policies and to save his legacy.

The six inquiries Jarrett is allegedly running cover “the disbursement of funds, her contact with foreign leaders, her possible collusion with the Clinton Foundation — and of course, first and foremost — her use of emails and her expense account.”

Currently, Clinton is looking very beatable by a republican but Warren and O’Malley are far behind in all the polls.  O’Malley has the added disadvantage of being a huge tax and spender.  His tax increased were so egregious that a republican was able to win his seat vacated through term limits in the extremely blue state of Maryland.

Says Klein:

“This administration, the Obama administration, will do virtually anything to prevent Hillary from becoming president.”


Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
An Open Letter to [email protected]

WASHINGTON — SINCE open letters to secretive and duplicitous regimes are in fashion, we would like to post an Open Letter to the Leaders of the Clinton Republic of Chappaqua:

It has come to our attention while observing your machinations during your attempted restoration that you may not fully understand our constitutional system. Thus, we are writing to bring to your attention two features of our democracy: The importance of preserving historical records and the ill-advised gluttony of an American feminist icon wallowing in regressive Middle Eastern states’ payola.

You should seriously consider these characteristics of our nation as the Campaign-That-Must-Not-Be-Named progresses.

If you, Hillary Rodham Clinton, are willing to cite your mother’s funeral to get sympathy for ill-advisedly deleting 30,000 emails, it just makes us want to sigh: O.K., just take it. If you want it that bad, go ahead and be president and leave us in peace. (Or war, if you have your hawkish way.) You’re still idling on the runway, but we’re already jet-lagged. It’s all so drearily familiar that I know we’re only moments away from James Carville writing a column in David Brock’s Media Matters, headlined, “In Private, Hillary’s Really a Hoot.”


This is rich, I've never seen a liberal feminist go to town on Hillary like this before. Quite impressive even if I don't normally hold Ms. Dowd in high regard.

Thus far liberals are the ones attacking billary. Republicans are just there for the ride it seems. Do not forget they, liberals, stabbed her in the back when they flipped on her and chose 0bama instead. The clintons always keep a kill list. As soon as she is in power she will do a house cleaning and erase as much as 0bama's thugs and replace them with her own.

The top 0bama liberals know it and are trying to bring her down. Republicans love it, but are afraid to start the attack too soon, afraid to be labeled anti women, sexists, etc. Also they do not have a strong contender yet, unlike the democrats who put all their eggs in that

Have fun with this anagram server...

Hillary clinton = Canny Thrill Oil, Chair Till Nylon, Nail Chilly Torn...

Wilikon's good game theory in action Cheesy

BREAKING: Valerie Jarrett Behind Leak Of Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal

It’s the vast left-wing conspiracy.

Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail address during her time as secretary of state, sources tell me.

But she did so through people outside the ­administration, so the story couldn’t be traced to her or the White House.

In addition, at Jarrett’s behest, the State Department was ordered to launch a series of investigations into Hillary’s conduct at Foggy Bottom, including the use of her expense account, the disbursement of funds, her contact with foreign leaders and her possible collusion with the Clinton Foundation.

Six separate probes into Hillary’s performance have been ­going on at the State Department. I’m told that the e-mail scandal was timed to come out just as Hillary was on the verge of formally announcing that she was running for president — and that there’s more to come.

Members of Bill Clinton’s camp say the former president suspects the White House is the source of the leak and is furious.

“My contacts and friends in newspapers and TV tell me that they’ve been contacted by the White House and offered all kinds of negative stories about us,” one of Bill’s friends quotes him as saying. “The Obamas are behind the e-mail story, and they’re spreading rumors that I’ve been with women, that Hillary promoted people at the State Department who’d done favors for our foundation, that John Kerry had to clean up diplomatic messes Hillary left behind.”

Then, according to this source, Bill added: “The Obamas are out to get us any way they can.”[…[

“Obama and Valerie Jarrett will go to any lengths to prevent Hillary from becoming president,” a source close to the White House told me. “They believe that Hillary, like her husband, is left of center, not a true-blue liberal.”

If she gets into the White House, they believe she will compromise with the Republicans in Congress and undo Obama’s legacy.


Wow! It is almost as if I wrote the article myself...

Now, 0bama said what again?


Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
An Open Letter to [email protected]

WASHINGTON — SINCE open letters to secretive and duplicitous regimes are in fashion, we would like to post an Open Letter to the Leaders of the Clinton Republic of Chappaqua:

It has come to our attention while observing your machinations during your attempted restoration that you may not fully understand our constitutional system. Thus, we are writing to bring to your attention two features of our democracy: The importance of preserving historical records and the ill-advised gluttony of an American feminist icon wallowing in regressive Middle Eastern states’ payola.

You should seriously consider these characteristics of our nation as the Campaign-That-Must-Not-Be-Named progresses.

If you, Hillary Rodham Clinton, are willing to cite your mother’s funeral to get sympathy for ill-advisedly deleting 30,000 emails, it just makes us want to sigh: O.K., just take it. If you want it that bad, go ahead and be president and leave us in peace. (Or war, if you have your hawkish way.) You’re still idling on the runway, but we’re already jet-lagged. It’s all so drearily familiar that I know we’re only moments away from James Carville writing a column in David Brock’s Media Matters, headlined, “In Private, Hillary’s Really a Hoot.”


This is rich, I've never seen a liberal feminist go to town on Hillary like this before. Quite impressive even if I don't normally hold Ms. Dowd in high regard.

Thus far liberals are the ones attacking billary. Republicans are just there for the ride it seems. Do not forget they, liberals, stabbed her in the back when they flipped on her and chose 0bama instead. The clintons always keep a kill list. As soon as she is in power she will do a house cleaning and erase as much as 0bama's thugs and replace them with her own.

The top 0bama liberals know it and are trying to bring her down. Republicans love it, but are afraid to start the attack too soon, afraid to be labeled anti women, sexists, etc. Also they do not have a strong contender yet, unlike the democrats who put all their eggs in that

Have fun with this anagram server...

Hillary clinton = Canny Thrill Oil, Chair Till Nylon, Nail Chilly Torn...

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