
Topic: Hillary conducted official State business on her private e-mail account — ALL - page 5. (Read 8872 times)

full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 123
More proof that Clinton thinks she is above the law and entitled to every position she gets. She is not interested in serving her country, just serving her self.

a drone strike and she is gone... will they wait for a family reunion? ahaha. Frankly she is more dangerous than anwar... and everyone knows what happen to anwar... ahaha... above the law she will be. In the Hand of the USMIIC she will die, but not when she expects it... the waiting... mayday needs helps around the permiters... again it's getting serious... last comm at ..... thx you. Will never when PLAoC is in MOTION let me tell you that... and again how many air strikes in dombass? Real Honorable Duty FULL warriors...
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
More proof that Clinton thinks she is above the law and entitled to every position she gets. She is not interested in serving her country, just serving her self.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 123
The US media will not do any digging about this.  They all know she is going to probably be the next president and so will give her the same fawning treatment that they gave Obama in 2008 & 2012.  It is no advantage to have a free press if no one has the courage to use it.

The Clintons were dirty in the 1980s and 1990s, and a leopard does not change their spots.  She needed control to cover her dealings to help their foundation and being a lawyer she figured out a way.  Typical USA in the 21st Century - damn shame.

Thanks for all the background info.

excellent, the lead and the support team (that's the usmiic version)... a picture for the simpleton :

Time to prepare a "card game" for the domestic game (or just an app for facial reco + dna test in operation, to get clean S.E. if resistance arise)... ahahaha. traitors media participants vs the usmiic... lol. all tools, all wars, TW.

So yes the us media moguls will... otherwise they will lose against the USMIIC... one of the I is for Intelligence...

and like Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf would have said, everything is fine...

with ctrl+p there is no free press, you want an income to get a girl? repeat the lines... but sir, the line will make me a domestic enemy, do you wanna fuck? ok I will do it... do I get too a mcmansion, sure... perfect... gmo is good, Hillary is good, etc... D.E. propaganda wings.
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
The US media will not do any digging about this.  They all know she is going to probably be the next president and so will give her the same fawning treatment that they gave Obama in 2008 & 2012.  It is no advantage to have a free press if no one has the courage to use it.

The Clintons were dirty in the 1980s and 1990s, and a leopard does not change their spots.  She needed control to cover her dealings to help their foundation and being a lawyer she figured out a way.  Typical USA in the 21st Century - damn shame.

Thanks for all the background info.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Now, if it is ever revealed that Clinton did keep private emails conducting official business from the State Department, then she will be guilty of a felony.

But that would require a third party gaining access to all of her personal emails…

“It’s somewhat ridiculous that we are trusting the decisions of private citizens hired by this person to preserve the country’s records,” John Wonderlich, policy director of the Sunlight Foundation, a government transparency nonprofit, told BuzzFeed.

But, unless Clinton agrees to give her server to a third party, that is exactly the situation we are facing.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

In July 2011, Clinton gave a speech in Washington to inaugurate the Open Government Partnership, which her State Department co-chaired with Brazil.

“When a government hides its work from public view, hands out jobs and money to political cronies, administers unequal justice, looks away as corrupt bureaucrats and businessmen enrich themselves at the people’s expense, that government is failing its citizens,” she said. “And most importantly, that government is failing to earn and hold the trust of its people. And that lack of trust, in a world of instantaneous communication, means that the very fabric of society begins to fray and the foundation of governmental legitimacy begins to crumble.”

Three months later, Clinton’s State Department made several commitments for the U.S. as part of the Open Government Partnership. One was to overhaul how the U.S. government stores and manages its records, to create “a reformed, digital-era, government-wide records management framework that promotes accountability and performance.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

The White House has been steadfast in its insistence that administration officials were told to use their government email accounts whenever possible. At the daily press briefing Wednesday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest faced a second day of questions about administration email. Personal email isn’t off-limits, he said, but keeping government communications out of the public archive required by law is. For that reason, officials are told to forward private emails to their public accounts so the messages are legal…

But according to those that worked there, and public statements by Earnest, the administration atmosphere at least emphasized enforcement of the rules surrounding email usage. Inside the White House, the repeated warnings weren’t so much about using personal email accounts but about keeping any private emails they sent about their jobs out of the archived public record. Former staffers said they rarely if ever used personal email for government work, but if they did it was usually only when they were off-site and government email was down.

“They were pretty consistent about reminding us the rules,” one former White House official recalled. “Every once in a while there would be an email outage or something and you’d get a reminder that you shouldn’t be using your personal email for government business and that, if you had, you needed to immediately forward any emails to your .gov account so they’d be preserved.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

What did the White House know and when did they know it? 

That timeline got murkier on Friday as the White House struggled to respond to mounting questions over Hillary Clinton’s private email use. The heat was turned up after Politico reported that top White House officials knew back in August that Clinton was conducting official business on personal email. 

White House spokesman Josh Earnest, when asked about what the White House knew, said senior officials were emailing Clinton while she was secretary of state and a few noticed she wasn’t using a .gov email address. However, he did not say when they noticed it and whether red flags were raised.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Ever wonder why multiple investigations of the Benghazi attack failed to turn up much from Hillary Clinton’s e-mails? So did the House Select Committee investigating the attack on the facility and the failures that led to it. To their surprise, the Secretary of State had conducted all of her e-mail on a private account rather than an official State Department account — and her aides had carefully culled only the e-mails they wanted investigators to see. The New York Times’ Michael Schmidt dropped that bombshell earlier this evening:

Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record.

Mrs. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department. Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act. …

The existence of Mrs. Clinton’s personal email account was discovered as a House committee investigating the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi sought correspondence between Mrs. Clinton and her aides about the attack.

Two weeks ago, Mrs. Clinton provided the committee with about 300 emails — amounting to roughly 900 pages — about the Benghazi attacks that Mrs. Clinton’s aides had found among her personal emails.

Federal law requires government officials to conduct business communications on official media, for lots of good reasons. First, it allows for archival without the officials in question having an opportunity to “sanitize” the record. Second — and this is pretty important for the diplomatic corps — it allows the government to protect against intrusion from other nations and entities. Hillary’s practice of doing business through private servers bypassed both of those key protections.

I am guessing her hard drive with all private emails crashed already...

If the Feds thought her personal email had anything incriminating they'd get a subpoena for her personal email account.

You are right. Why should we believe she was hiding anything. Her behavior was perfectly normal and her personal server with her state affair with her emails very secure...

 Roll Eyes

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Loose lips sink sigs!

Ever wonder why multiple investigations of the Benghazi attack failed to turn up much from Hillary Clinton’s e-mails? So did the House Select Committee investigating the attack on the facility and the failures that led to it. To their surprise, the Secretary of State had conducted all of her e-mail on a private account rather than an official State Department account — and her aides had carefully culled only the e-mails they wanted investigators to see. The New York Times’ Michael Schmidt dropped that bombshell earlier this evening:

Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record.

Mrs. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department. Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act. …

The existence of Mrs. Clinton’s personal email account was discovered as a House committee investigating the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi sought correspondence between Mrs. Clinton and her aides about the attack.

Two weeks ago, Mrs. Clinton provided the committee with about 300 emails — amounting to roughly 900 pages — about the Benghazi attacks that Mrs. Clinton’s aides had found among her personal emails.

Federal law requires government officials to conduct business communications on official media, for lots of good reasons. First, it allows for archival without the officials in question having an opportunity to “sanitize” the record. Second — and this is pretty important for the diplomatic corps — it allows the government to protect against intrusion from other nations and entities. Hillary’s practice of doing business through private servers bypassed both of those key protections.

I am guessing her hard drive with all private emails crashed already...

If the Feds thought her personal email had anything incriminating they'd get a subpoena for her personal email account.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Hillary Clinton’s State Dept Office Ordered Employees Not To Use Private Email, Hillary And State Dept Lied When Asked About It Earlier This Week

An internal 2011 State Department cable, obtained by Fox News, shows that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s office told employees not to use personal email for security reasons — while at the same time, Clinton conducted all government business on a private account.

Sent to diplomatic and consular staff in June 2011, the unclassified cable, bearing Clinton’s electronic signature, made clear to employees they were expected to “avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts.” The message also said employees should not “auto-forward Department email to personal email accounts which is prohibited by Department policy.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

White House suggests Obama learned about Clinton emails by 'reading the newspaper'

The White House Friday implied that President Obama learned former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton exclusively used a private email account only after "reading the newspaper."

"I have no idea when the president first learned," White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters of the simmering controversy. "I wouldn't be surprised, however, if he had learned about that by reading the newspaper. The president has a lot of things on his plate. I'm not sure the details of a senior administration official's email arrangement lands on the president's desk with any regularity."

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic frontrunner for the 2016 presidential nomination, has faced immense pressure in recent days after a GOP investigation revealed that she relied exclusively on personal email during her tenure at the State Department — and even established a private server to handle the digital messages.

Clinton, in a tweet this week, said she wanted to make the tens of thousands of emails her staffers turned over to the State Department public. However, she did not say what she would do with the messages not given to State officials.

Other than the tweet, Clinton has not publicly addressed the controversy.

The White House has tried to distance itself from the political storm in recent days, with little success.

Critics say that the Obama either gave Clinton special treatment or did little to ensure senior officials were meeting his pledge to run the "most transparent administration in history."

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

White House alerted to potential Clinton email problem in August

But the Clinton camp urged it to keep the issue quiet.

The White House, State Department and Hillary Clinton’s personal office knew in August that House Republicans had received information showing that the former secretary of state conducted official government business through her private email account — and Clinton’s staff made the decision to keep quiet.

Sources familiar with the discussions say key people in the Obama administration and on Clinton’s staff were aware that the revelation could be explosive for the all-but-announced candidate for president. But those involved deferred to Clinton’s aides, and they decided not to respond.

In the end, Clinton’s staff waited six months — until after the New York Times published a story on Tuesday about the email account and the possibility that it hampered public access to official records — to begin their response.

Clinton’s slow-off-the-block defense has left many political strategists and observers confused because even a presidential campaign in its early stages should have been prepared to get out ahead of bad news. Had the existence of the email address and private server been made public in August, they say, it could have become a marginal issue in the run-up to the midterm elections, which Democrats badly lost anyway and in which Clinton wasn’t a candidate. But the decision to let it linger has meant it will cast a much larger shadow over Clinton’s expected campaign announcement.

According to the sources, the problem came to light in August as the State Department prepared to respond to a request from the House Select Committee investigating the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. State Department officials noticed that some of the 15,000 pages of documents included a personal email address for Clinton, and State and White House officials conferred on how to handle the revelation, which they expected the committee to notice. But they felt that Clinton’s personal staff should take the lead, since she was no longer in government, and Clinton aides decided to wait and see.

Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said aides believed the former secretary’s email practices broke no rules and were no cause for concern. Clinton tweeted earlier this week that she wanted all her emails from her tenure as secretary made public.

“There was nothing to get ahead of,” Merrill said. “This was perfectly permissible and the practice of past secretaries, and not only did she turn over all pertinent emails, she has taken the extraordinary step of now asking them to be released to the public. When that’s done, which we hope is soon, it will become clear that it’s all in there and then some.”

As the scandal has grown, White House aides have worked to put distance between the president and the mess. Although Clinton aides have been in touch with the White House about the response in recent days, the situation has put the White House in the uncomfortable position of having to defend the expected presidential candidate because her own staff has left a public vacuum—setting up a potentially precarious dynamic between staffers for Clinton, who have traditionally been reluctant to engage with reporters and aides, and aides to President Barack Obama. Between the two camps, animosity buried after their 2008 primary campaign occasionally flares up.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest took care to point out that Obama himself was unaware of any issues with Clinton’s email. “The expectation of the president is that everybody throughout his administration is acting in compliance with the Federal Records Act,” Earnest said on Wednesday.

The White House does not have Clinton’s full email record, and was only made aware of the situation with her account after receiving the standard notification that a congressional committee had asked for, and received, documents from any agency, he said.

“The White House doesn’t have it and so can’t speak to it,” said one person familiar with the situation.

It’s not clear when Republicans recognized the potentially damaging information in the emails. Though emails with the personal address were among the Benghazi documents the State Department produced in August, it wasn’t until November 18 that the House Select Committee specifically mentioned her private account, in a new request for documents from Clinton and other senior State Department officials.

“The Department is committed to working with the Select Committee,” said a senior State Department official. “We have been in constant, often daily contact with the Committee as we have tried to make the Committee’s priorities our own.”
The official said that State has “long had access to a wide array of Secretary Clinton’s records — including emails between her and Department officials with accounts as well as cables.”

They knew...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Chuck Todd: Obama White House probably didn't know about Hillary's emails

Maybe they did.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Valerie Jarrett Won't Defend Hillary: 'The President Had a Very Firm Policy' for Govt Email

Hillary on her own. Under the 0bama bus...

full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 123

Too late to back off. The big donors are all in with hillary. The next strategy will be the one hillary already made famous herself.

It will not matter because the voters are too stupid to know understand any better is their strategy...

don't worry the big donors can get a refund, she failed to disclose a risk that a raccoon would have known. the product isn't wrong but it's broken. she knows what happen else. 

for the bold part it ain't a strategy but a reality, however you miss a word that I corrected for you, learning is easy understanding is harder, very true with 正體字/繁體字 harder for westerner to understand (they believe by reading and learning the word they understand the meaning-spirit).

But it could be a great way to kill the democatric party if they can't provide a new sounder safer and cleaner candidate, please there can't be only 1 girl that could get it from their side... and then call themselves a "demo" - "cracy", how brainwashed.

I strongly support usmiic vetting, cleaning the closets before the "enemies" does. 101 war.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Democrats are running a severe risk here; All their top names are older than 67 years come campaigning time. They took the crown in 2008 by running a younger more vibrant candidate against Hillary. He crushed the presumed top choice. Now she is 8 years older, far more miles under her belt and they are not all good miles.

Too late to back off. The big donors are all in with hillary. The next strategy will be the one hillary already made famous herself.

It will not matter because the voters are too stupid to know any better is their strategy...

full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 123
Poor choice Hillary. Kinda like our Governor Scott Walker. He set up his own email service in a government office so employees could work on his campaign at taxpayer expense.
In China Hillary would be under house arrest... her husband would have taken the hit for the family (be executed) and the story over... however in America like Corzine, the gmoers and co, you can run the pampa free as a bird...
It's just one of the reasons she does not have my support.


But I would guess dozens of elected officials are busy this morning disconnecting their private email servers so that they can spend tomorrow morning piously bloviating about other peoples servers.

that would be my big positive in having a woman...

disconnecting, that's a signal from an object of surveillance, interesting, what means will they chose... the game.

Defeating the usmiic on it's homesoil, if managed toward we the people, gl&hfid (in defeat/death/destruction). Some conspirators clearly under estimates the trove of applied blue prints that the pentagon holds, even after being struck... you mostly learn by dying against the Empire... not very useful.

(and if you think that this kind of "vetting" is intense, wait for AI enhanced "vetting"... ahahaha, conspirators are so dead). A new meaning for the walking dead, running dead CheesyCool.

REFUND (will she cries when being asked LoL, just for the fun of it Cheesy).
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Democrats are running a severe risk here; All their top names are older than 67 years come campaigning time. They took the crown in 2008 by running a younger more vibrant candidate against Hillary. He crushed the presumed top choice. Now she is 8 years older, far more miles under her belt and they are not all good miles.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Hillary Clinton’s media plan on e-mail scandal since August: Our lips are sealed

Want to know Hillary Clinton’s secret plan to deal with the media on her secret e-mail system? Bloomberg’s Jennifer Epstein gives readers a big hint: It ain’t transparency. In fact, it’s not much different than the way Clintons deal with the media on anything — just offer a statement, then stonewall, stonewall, stonewall:

Hillary Clinton won’t be presiding over a soul-searching press conference or sitting down for a come-clean interview about her use of a private email address any time soon — at least if everything goes according to her team’s plan.
The former secretary of state and her advisers have decided to adopt a time-tested Clintonian approach: take a concrete step to ease the pressure, then wait out the storm, according to three sources with knowledge of her team’s approach.

Their theory is that her late Wednesday tweet asking the State Department to release the 55,000 pages of emails she provided to the agency would start to calm the media and political tempest, while giving her spokesman an easy answer to many journalists’ questions: ask State.

Clinton and her team are aware that her tactics will only hold out for so long and that she’ll eventually have to answer questions about her e-mail practices, but she and her advisers are aiming to delay that moment, ideally until she formally announces she’s running for president. At that point, they hope, the controversy will have subsided to the point where her campaign launch will be a much bigger headline than her response to a month-old scandal. An added benefit to the approach: the potential for Republicans to overreach and overreact while Clinton stays silent.

When did they concoct the strategy for this particular scandal, though? It wasn’t this week. Politico reports that Team Hillary decided to stonewall on this back in August, when Republicans first got the evidence of the scam. And by the way, the Obama administration found out about it then, too:

The White House, State Department and Hillary Clinton’s personal office knew in August that House Republicans had received information showing that the former secretary of state conducted official government business through her private email account — and Clinton’s staff made the decision to keep quiet.

Sources familiar with the discussions say key people in the Obama administration and on Clinton’s staff were aware that the revelation could be explosive for the all-but-announced candidate for president. But those involved deferred to Clinton’s aides, and they decided not to respond. …

According to the sources, the problem came to light in August as the State Department prepared to respond to a request from the House Select Committee investigating the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. State Department officials noticed that some of the 15,000 pages of documents included a personal email address for Clinton, and State and White House officials conferred on how to handle the revelation, which they expected the committee to notice. But they felt that Clinton’s personal staff should take the lead, since she was no longer in government, and Clinton aides decided to wait and see.

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